03 April 2002
Presentations/Technical Reports
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Structural analysis of modular coils (Williamson and Fan) |
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STL model of modular coils and VV (Willimason) |
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Thermal-hydraulic modeling of TF, PF, and modular coils (Dahlgren) |
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Casting schedule (Heitzenroeder) |
We held our regular weekly telecon between ORNL and PPPL. This will probably be our last general telecon until after the CDR. From here on, I expect will will have more focused meetings on cost, write-ups, and critical issues.
Hutch Neilson summarized our philosophy on what we should include in the MIE project - whatever sensibly needs to be there for first plasma. The issue of including PFCs arose in a recent discussion with DOE. However, Neilson reiterated that the Project's position is that PFCs are NOT included in the MIE Project. Chrzanowski indicated that the installation cost of the PFCs was estimated to be $163K in FY02 dollars. If done between Phase 3 and Phase 4, a shutdown period of at least 13 weeks (3 weeks for the ribs plus 10 weeks for the CFC panels) should be planned. Kalish indicated that the 350C bakeout system would have an incremental cost (beyond the cost of the 150C system) of $400K if implemented initially, and more than $600K if done separately.
Dahlgren reviewed his thermo-hydraulic calculations for the cryogenic coils. His conclusions was that modest flow was required - on the order of 50 gpm. Pressure drops were small - 2 psi appears OK for all the coils. Temperature rises in the coolant were also small - a few K indicating that modest pressures (4-5 atmospheres) would provide adequate margin to avoid 2-phase flow. Dahlgren agree to translate his results into a set of requirements for LN2 cooling (Action: Dahlgren).
HM Fan and Dave Williamson discussed recent progress in structural modeling of the modular coils. The EM model of the coils has been built. Maximum fields for each coil for the vacuum condition in the 2T high beta scenario were presented. The first results are expected to be available next week. Subsequent to the meeting, arrangements were made to have Chang-Hoon Jun assist HM Fan in performing a structural analysis of the TF and PF coils and structures. It is expected that approximately 6 load cases will have to be considered to get the worst case loads for each coil. Arrangements were also made to have Irv Zatz draft design criteria for use on NCSX. These should be available in advance of the CDR in May.
A stereo lithography model of a field period is being built to demonstrate that the modular coil segments can be slid over a 120 degree VV segment and connected to form a complete field period. Williamson described the STL model. The order has been placed. All pieces should arrive within about two weeks.
Action items from the previous meeting were reviewed. Tom Brown reported that he had been in touch with David Johnson re diagnostic access. Cole and Brown need to be sure that the diagnostic access and related issues have been reviewed with Johnson (Action: Cole and Brown). Brown indicated that the new orientation of the beam had been sent to Zarnstorff. Nelson agreed that we need to demonstrate the adequacy of personnel access for maintenance inside the vacuum vessel for the CDR (Action: Nelson). More work still needs to be done on resolving RF-related issues (Action: Cole). Nelson reported that WBS 1 is track for providing cost input the week of April 8 and EDD input the week of April 15 (Action: Nelson).
The final agenda item was the review of the critical path schedule and procurement strategy. Heitzenroeder presented the schedule for the winding form casting and machining that was passed on to Osterby. If Osterby can meet this schedule, it appears we can stick with our two vendor R&D plan and still meet the March 2007 first plasma date. Heitzenroeder agreed to notify the project if any problems were flagged by Osterby (Action: Heitzenroeder).
Heitzenroeder and Nelson are planning to visit PCC Structural the first week in May to assess the prospects for investment casting various NCSX components, including the vacuum vessel. The current budget allows for substantial VV casting R&D. We will re-visit this position upon their return.
Please forward any comments or corrections to reiersen@pppl.gov
(last edited on 04/03/2002 05:58 PM )