Summary of SIT Meeting of 8/12

From: Hutch Neilson []
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 4:30 PM
To:;;; Brad Nelson;;;; John A. Schmidt
Subject: Summary of SIT Meeting of 8/12/02

Summary of SIT Meeting of Monday, August 12, 2002.

1. Creating more plasma-to-first wall standoff by moving components

Brad presented cross-section views showing recent progress in moving the First Wall and VV away from the plasma to create more clearance. Poincare points for the original-size (i.e. uninflated) M45h plasma are being used as the plasma reference. The results look encouraging, but the following issues remain:

- Adequacy of the presented modifications needs to be quantitatively assessed from the plasma edge physics point of view. Is it good enough? If not, provide guidance as to how much more space is needed, and where.
ACTION: Peter, assess and provide guidance to Brad.

- Compatibility of the presented modifications with machine assembly needs to be checked. Plan is to perform screening checks using the Pro/E model and confirm with the physical (stereolithography) model. New SL models may have to be made.
ACTION: Wayne, arrange to have the existing SL model shipped to Brad.

- A modification of the winding surface at the 30-degree cross section may be needed so that the VV can move. Dave W. is working on it.
ACTION: Brad (Dave), issue revised winding surface to Art Brooks for posting and physics evaluation.

2. Creating more plasma-to-first wall standoff by moving the plasma

Mike reported that a new coil design has been generated and is now in the healing process. It lies on the CDR winding surface and shifts the plasma about 2cm away from the inner wall. The edge iota (~0.64) was chosen so address problems previously encountered in the healing process. So far, the healing process is going well, indicating that the strategy is succeeding. A promising development.

An improvement to VMEC is planned to make it capable of targeting island healing as a design objective. It is based on coding work by M. Isaev and does not require incorporating PIES into the optimizer. Mike is working on it with Don Monticello. It is expected to shorten the healing process.

Comment:There is a growing likelihood that one or more new coil designs, in addition to M45h, can be made available as candidates for selection as the project's baseline on Sept. 24. Allowing time for physics checks (flexibility, startup) and engineering checks (ability to assemble), we'd need to have healed candidates in hand by early September, say Sept. 10.

3. Getting the GRD approved.
The GRD needs to be approved as part of establishing the project's technical baseline by the end of September. According to the PEP, it gets approved at the Pitonak level. It was decided that Draft F (issued at the CDR) is good enough to submit for upper mgt. review (Hawryluk, Schmidt) while it is being reviewed by the team. We will ask for review comments by Sept. 6.
- Hutch arrange GRD review by management.
- Wayne arrange GRD review by engineering team.
- Mike arrange GRD review by physics team.

4. Items for tomorrow's Integrated Project Team meeting with DOE.
- Short (10 mins.) briefing on modular coil and VV activities (Wayne, Brad)
- Planning for FY03, including heads-up on possible pre-CD2 performance of shield wall modifications. Report on advances in data management technology. (Hutch)

Next SIT Meeting: Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 11:00 a.m. EDT. Usual arrangements.

Please bring any corrections or comments to my attention.

Thanks to all,


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