Ideas to save money for Modular Coils: 
Savings $K Other WBSs
1 Eliminate trim coils from the Construction Project (also needs to  include power supplies)           1200
2 Reduce existing cost of PFCs to be consistant with Construction Project-
Leave $100K 630
3 Credit for Decommissioning clearing machine area in FY 02 800
4 Take credit for FY 03 Decommissioning activity. 500
5 Move 10%  contingency  for modular coils into base budget. 700
(R&D, castings, winding, engrg.)
6 Reduce engrg. For mod. Coils from $2.2M to 2.0 200
7 Reduce NDT testing  -limit to high stress areas 150
8 Change coil clamping bolting to radial arrangement. 90 check
9 PBX-M Beam Relocation -coverage in Decommissioning 100
10 Reduce machining of flanges on shells;  reduce flange extent& reduce bolting 270 check
11 Reduce number of PF circuits - series 1&2. 0 ?
12 Speed up VPI (canning?) 180 ($20K/coil)
13 Eliminate cooling septum. - replace with new design. 0
14 Reduce G&A 500
15 Reduce vessel wall from 3/8" to 5/16" 250
16 Standardize diagnostic flanges as much as possible-simplify weld connection to VV 50
17 Reduce VV engrg. 100
18 Reduced labor for assembly due to reduction of trim coils, PFCsetc. 200 check $
19 Eliminate vessel spool pieces with ports 180 TBD
20 Reduce VV contingency by 10% 250
21 No He Compressor 400
22 Consider "U" channel concept for casting Ask vendors.
23 Consider segmented casting for coils. Ask vendors.
24 Consider unreinforced port connections to vessel. Ask vendors.
TOTAL: 6750
Blue: done deal Blue total: 4930
Orange: not sure yet