SIT meeting
Summary of SIT Meeting of Tuesday July 30, 2002.
1. Creating more plasma-to-first wall standoff
Brad presented cross-section views showing where the SOL field lines of the 2.5% inflated M45h plasma go relative to components. There are possible intercepts with internal hardware near the inboard midplane and at the flux-expanded regions top and bottom. It was not clear where the field lines strike first.
It does not appear possible to gain much clearance by reducing the vacuum vessel-to-first wall envelope, due to the size of the first wall supports.
It is probably necessary to move the vacuum vessel wall away from the plasma to gain more clearance. In some locations it may be necessary to move the winding surface.
The HFS rf launcher complicates finding a satisfactory divertor configuration. We do not want to give up this capability at this time, however, there is freedom to reduce the number of straps per launcher from 6 to 4 and to reduce the total radiating area if it would help.
- Brad investigate moving the vacuum vessel to gain clearance.
- Brad identify local changes to the winding surface where needed to gain clearance. Issue modified w.s. geometries to Art Brooks for posting.
- Mike generate coil designs on modified winding surfaces.
- Brad continue to work with Dick Majeski on HFS rf launcher geometry to try to reduce interferences.
- Jim, ask Peter Mioduszewski about proper interpretation of Poincare points; how to tell where they hit first.
2. Diagnostic Interface Issues
Do we have adequate forums for discussing technical issues such as diagnostic interface problems? Current plan is for small meetings between Dave Johnson, diagnostic experts, and design engineers. We will watch this and see how it goes. Track status as an item in weekly WBS 1 meetings.
3. FY03 spending plans
We reviewed an initial breakdown of FY-03 budget by institution and WBS. WBS 1 resource allocations between PPPL and ORNL were discussed. The initial budget guidance will be issued to all WBS managers in the next few days with instructions to refine plans and resources for FY-03. Meetings will be held with all WBS managers to go over their plans and budgets. About $1.4M will be placed in management reserve initially, pro-rated by budget between PPPL and ORNL. Work will be planned to cover the remaining funds (about $9.6M) and WAFs will be prepared, but spending on jobs not scheduled to start immediately will not be authorized yet.
- Brad propose allocation of budget within WBS 1 elements, including newly created WBS 19, design integration.
- Brad identify key WBS 1 personnel by name to clarify PPPL/ORNL split. (Some progress has been made on this already).
- Hutch, Jim, Mike work on budgets for Management, Physics, and Research Prep.
- Hutch see whether PPPL FWP numbers were changed.
- Ron issue budget guidance with instructions to WBS managers.
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