Engineering Meeting

13 March 2002


We held our regular weekly telecon on March 13 between ORNL and PPPL.  Much information was covered.  Links to the presentations are provided below.  Mike Cole reviewed the considerable progress that has been made recently in the area of configuration development.  He also highlighted areas that needed attention, including:

Flammability requirements for cryostat needs to be determined  (Action: Levine)

Interference with TF outer leg near NB port (Action: Cole)

Interference with VV support and diagnostic port (Action: Cole)

Port configuration for CDR - one piece or multi-piece? (Action: Nelson)

NB port geometry (Action: Cole/Kugel)

Spool piece between VV segments? (Action: Nelson/Cole/Johnson)

RF antenna feedthroughs (Action: Cole)

An important concern that was not addressed was whether or not we could indeed slide the modular coils over a vacuum vessel segment and assemble them (Action: Cole/Williamson).

Tom Brown reviewed a concept for the thermal shield.  It was well received.  Brad Nelson noted that the hermetic seal had to be located outside the insulation.  Brown agreed to modify the thermal shield accordingly. (Action: Brown)

David Williamson presented work done by himself and HM Fan on thermal and structural analysis.  The configuration of the winding pack, chill plate, and cooling tubes has changed since the last iteration.  Fan should update the thermal analysis for the current design.  (Action: Fan)  Fred Dahlgren will do the thermal hydraulic calculations for the various cooling loops.  (Action: Dahlgren)  Progress in structural analysis of the modular coils has been steady but slow.  First results are anticipated in the first part of April.  (Action: Williamson/Fan)

Fred Dahlgren presented preliminary results from a disruption analysis of a first wall shell that conforms to the vacuum vessel for 175kA and 350kA discharges.  The initial results were encouraging with modest deflections and stresses noted.  Dahlgren indicated that the analyses should be repeated with more a more representative modulus for the shell.  (Action: Dahlgren)

On the vacuum vessel, there are a few outstanding items.  A buckling analysis still needs to be done.  An analysis with the sections thinned where severe forming takes place is planned.  Analysis of the vessel under unbalanced pressure loads on the NB ports with the as-designed vessel supports is also required.  (Action: Dahlgren)

Brad Nelson reviewed the insulation scheme.  He presented a strong argument for retaining Kapton in the winding.  Heitzenroeder suggested that the butt-lapped glass should be outside the Kapton (between turns) rather than having Kapton-to-Kapton.

Tom Brown provided a layout of the test cell but there was insufficient time to discuss the material.  Brown agreed to review the layout with all stakeholders. (Action: Brown)

Presentations/Technical Reports

Configuration Issues (Cole)

Thermal Shield Concept (Brown)

Modular Coil Stress Analysis (Williamson)

Static Disruption Analysis of First Wall (Dahlgren)

Cable Insulation (Nelson)

Building Layout (Brown)

Please forward any comments or corrections to

(last edited on 03/14/2002 04:28 PM )