Items for next NCSX IPT meeting 11/5From: Hutch Neilson [] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:10 PM To:;;; Subject: Items for next NCSX IPT meeting 11/5 The agenda items I see for next week are: (1) DOE Update - Pitonak, Marton (AEP, CD-1, EIR expectations, misc. news of interest) (2) Project status and recent accomplishments Overview- Neilson Coil geometry- Neilson Engineering issues and procurements- Reiersen (3) CD-2 deliverables: status, plans. 1. Final Project Execution plan 2. Detailed cost & schedule baselines (based on resource loaded schedules) 3. Complete preliminary design documents for major subsystems 4. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) & report 5. Independent Project Review (IPR) & report 6. Technology development (R&D) results and decisions for procurement 7. Revised risk assessment and mitigation plans 8. Final EA/FONSI 9. Systems Engineering Management Plan 10. Integrated Systems Test Plan Greg should address 5 & 8; project will address the others. Anything else? Bob will soon announce the arrangements for the meeting. Hutch