07 October SIT Meeting Summary
1. FY-03 Work Planning Process (Hutch, Ron)
Latest FY-03 funding expectations for NCSX (expected in Nov. Fin. Plan).
NCSX Project: $8,937k at PPPL, $1,921k at ORNL, Total=$10,858K
NCSX Research Prep.: $519k for PPPL, $260k for ORNL, $80k for LLNL, Total=$859k.
(This includes a project-directed swap of $130k from Project->R.P. at PPPL, and $130k from R.P.->Project at ORNL).
The "NCSX Project" funds, for our planning purposes, is the total for the FY. DOE is converting some of the capital to Opex with guidance to spend it on Advanced Conceptual Design.
Ron has integrated the planning input from the WBS managers into an initial work plan for FY-03. He has issued it to the WBS managers along with the appropriate job numbers and guidance to proceed. This was done in order to maintain continuity across the FY boundary, but WAFs still need to be reviewed by Engineering and Physics and signed off. We need to keep working the plans, however, with special attention to potential growth areas that were identified in Ron's review of the planning input and priority to critical-path tasks. Not all work needs to be authorized right away.
The starting point for the planning process was the project's established cost and schedule baseline ($73.M TEC; June 07 first plasma), which incorporated several post-CDR changes. It was issued as guidance to the WBS managers in August. We are using it now as the roadmap for planning and tracking progress in the advanced conceptual design period. Accounts are being opened in order to collect costs as operating costs.
ACTIONS: WAYNE (and deputies) review WAF input in WBS 1-7, with special attention to possible cost growth areas.
WAYNE and RON review the cost and schedule data base that backs up the approved cost and schedule baseline and agree on any accounting changes that are needed to facilitate mapping of WAFs to the approved baseline.
MIKE review WAF input for WBS 84 and Research Prep. Provide input on WBS 3. Identify skill mismatches and work with Engineering to identify solutions where possible.
2. Coil Design process (Mike)
* Brad reported that Williamson has issued a new first wall geometry compatible with the modified winding surface for physics assessments. It was issued to Art Brooks for posting.
* Healing of coils on modified winding surface: Mike will report status based on conclusions of a meeting with the physics team planned for Monday afternoon.
* Physics evaluations of healed June designs are largely on hold, in expectation that the newer designs on the modified winding surface are btter and healing results imminent.
3. Coil Design Issues and Implications for Procurements (Wayne, Brad)
* Poloidal break: It is expected that there will be one poloidal break on the outboard side of each winding form, and toroidal breaks at each sector joint (I think). The poloidal break has a signifcant impact on the manufacture, so the information needs to be given to the potential suppliers such that they can account for it in their proposals.
* Assembly interference (coils, VV, VV supports). Brad reports that they are "homing on a solution" involving tilting the vacuum vessel, widening the spacer, and re-examining the VV support points, but not there yet. If we have to modify the winding surface to solve the interference problem, it will require another coil-design iteration. Decision needed soon. ACTION: BRAD make recommendation.
* New coil design: The RFP will point to the current CAD models for proposal purposes. It will make clear that the specs and models to be used for contract performance will be spelled out in the contract.
4. Next Two SIT Meetings: Monday, Oct. 14 and Oct. 21 at 11:00 a.m. EDT (Wayne to chair and feel free to use my office).
Summary by Hutch Neilson
Please forward any questions or comments to mailto:reiersen@pppl.gov
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