WBS 1 Telecon


09 April 2003

This week's WBS-1 Engineering telecon will be held at 1:30 this Wednesday,
April 9. PPPL will call ORNL at the engr conf. room (865-241-1255) and we
will share information via netmeeting. We did not get to everything last
week, so I propose a similar agenda, with the addition of Russ and the VV
ports. The presentations from last week were sent out by Wayne, so we will
just go through them quickly.


1. Metrology issues (Nelson)
2. Status of vacuum vessel (Paul Goranson)
3. New VV ports (Russ Feder)
3. Status of mod coils (Dave Williamson)
4. Update on mod coil R&D (Jim Chrzanowski)

If anyone has additional issues, please bring them up at this meeting.



Brad Nelson
ORNL / UT-Battelle
PO Box 2009, MS 8073
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Office: 865-574-1507
Fax: 865-576-0024