Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of Monday, Apr. 14, 2003


1. PDR Preparation Issues


* PDR checklists for all work packages are being tracked closely. An issue identified at this week's meeting: the S2 equilibrium state calculated by Neil Pomphrey has a very high current, 4.5 MA, about 2-3 times higher then previous designs.

ACTION: Wayne is following up with Neil.


* NCSX design efforts are being impacted by NSTX call on people.

ACTION: Hutch follow up.


* Many PDR preparations are late and the schedule is tight in all areas: design, vendor input, cost and schedule updates. We will need to make a conscious decision to hold the PDR on schedule or delay it. The decision point will come about the end of April, when we will have to start getting commitments from reviewers if we are going to hold to the June 24 date.


* A new requirement calls for the vacuum vessel and its supports to be able to support the weight of a high-Z liner (W or Mo) in case it is needed in the future. The vacuum vessel empty weight is 12,000 pounds. The full-coverage carbon liner weighs about 2,000 pounds. A high-Z liner could be heavier. As a strawman, a loaded weigh limit of 18,000 pounds (1.5 x the vacuum vessel) was proposed by Hutch.



2. Re-baseling Activity - Ron


* The main issue is the schedule for updating of WBS 1 estimates. Final budgetary estimates from suppliers are expected May 23, with formal reports to follow 2 weeks later.  However, we need a sense of the costs earlier than that, so it will be important to try to obtain preliminary information week-to-week interactions with the suppliers.


* Internal cost reviews of each work package will be needed to guard against cost growth as well as double counting and oversights.

ACTION: Ron develop a schedule.

ACTION: Hutch get some help from Engineering Dept. in looking at the estimates.


3. FY-03 Work Plans


We discussed tasks identified at the March 31 meeting as being ready to initiate.


* Metrology. The needs have been outlined by WBS 1 and 3, although part of the task will be to get input on requirements from all WBS. Steve Raftopolous has been identified as the task leader.


* E-beam mapping. Task has not been organized yet but is on the agenda for weekly Diagnostics meeting. Eric Fredrickson has been identified as the task leader. ACTION: Mike continue to follow up.


* The conventional coils configuration (TF & PF, WBS 13) is settling down. A wedged TF configuration has been chosen. It may be possible to accelerate the WBS 13 PDR, now planned for September. A SEML should be developed. Mike Kalish is the WBS manager.


* Support Structures (WBS 15). Doug Loesser hs been identified as the WBS manager.


* Grounding Plan. It will be a combined Grounding and RF Shielding Plan. Raki Ramakrishnan is responsible.


* Seismic analysis, machine assembly plan, accelerating diagnsotics, integrated systems test plan still need follow up.

ACTION: Hutch and Wayne work together on follow-up.


4. Next SIT Meeting:  Monday, April 21, 2003.



Summary by:

Hutch Neilson