From: Hutch Neilson []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 6:13 PM
To: Michael Zarnstorff; Wayne Reiersen; Bob Simmons; Larry Dudek; Ron Strykowsky; Brad Nelson; John Schmidt; Hutch Neilson; Jim Lyon
Cc: Dick Majeski; Mike Cole; David Johnson; Brent Stratton
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of 12/1/03

Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, December 1, 2003

1.  Vacuum Vessel Design and Interface Issues

ACTION: Dick Majeski provided updated ICRF requirements to Mike Cole.
ACTION: Dave Johnson, Brent Stratton, finalize WBS 3 requirements.
Possible solutions:
Physics issues will be discussed at meeting on December 2 at 1:30 p.m.
Re-segmentation ideas will be discussed at WBS 1 meeting on December 3 at 1:30 p.m.

Cost and schedule impact of the re-design effort to modify the segmentation needs to be estimated if it is proposed. (ACTION: Brad)

2.  Modular Coil Modeling and Analysis Issues
A meeting will be held later this week to assess the Hargrove, Brown, and Williamson modeling approaches, and decide on the path forward for the project. The analysts (i.e. H.M.Fan) will be included in the discussions and their needs will be taken into account to ensure we are able to analyze what is designed.
ACTION: Brad, follow up.

3.  CD-2 Preparation Plan
Most of the required documentation is already in good shape. Outstanding tasks:

Proposed schedule agreed to with DOE:

4.  Next Lehman review
We favor early May, 2004, which precedes the VV and MC final design reviews.  The plan is to use the Lehman review to obtain necessary approvals for CD-3a.
ACTION: Hutch convey SIT recommendation to DOE, and understand timing issues with respect to FDR’s and CD-3 deliverables.

5.  Next SIT Meeting: Monday, December 8, 2003 (GHN to participate from ORNL)

Summary by:
Hutch Neilson