From: Hutch Neilson []
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:25 AM
To: Mike Zarnstorff; Wayne Reiersen; Bob Simmons; Larry Dudek; Ron Strykowsky; Brad Nelson; John Schmidt; Hutch Neilson; Jim Lyon
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of 12/15/03
 Summary of NCSX System Inegration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, December 15, 2003

1.   Recent DOE guidance on project baseline  (Hutch)
There were several discussions with OFES during the preceding week concerning the NCSX project scope, funding profile, and definition of CD-4.  There will be further discussions within the government during the current week, but the current expectation is as follows:
The implications of reduced funding is that we will have reduced financial flexibility for the critical fabrication activities.

2.  FY-04 Schedule Risks
We have made significant progress on critical schedule risks and come to closure on some pending decisions:

3. Technical Risks
Wayne led a discussion of critical technical issues and updated a tracking list which has been developed. The updated list was issued by Wayne on Dec. 16.  One risk in particular has been highlighted recently as needing greater attention:

4.  Final Design Activities

5.  CD-2 preparations

6.  Next SIT Meeting: Monday, December 22, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.

Summary by:
Hutch Neilson