Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of Monday, Jan. 6, 2003
1. Announcements (Hutch)
The PDR is scheduled for June 24-27, 2003.
The next NCSX IPT Meeting with DOE is Jan. 15 at 11:00. Topics are:
* Coming to closure with DOE on the schedule for upcoming reviews and CD's and planning their implementation.
* Project update: recent progress and near-term plans.
* Planning for first NCSX Quarterly Review (to be held in January)
* Discussion of end-of-CR transition (project to propose a plan)
2. Peer review of winding form special design features (Wayne)
Rich Hawryluk has requested a peer review of the winding form poloidal break design in response to concerns documented by the NCSX PAC. The purpose is to document the project's decision to adopt the poloidal break, why it is needed and why we believe it can be manufactured without compromising structural and accuracy requirements. The peer review is to be held before the MCWF R&D contracts are placed. We decided it would be valuable to add the coil cooling design (e.g., copper cladding) to the scope of the peer review, since it has been troublesome and also affects the R&D work scope.
ACTION: Wayne to propose a plan for the peer review: scope, dates, and review team members.
3. Critical Issues
* Radial build and space for trim coils and magnetic diagnostics: Brooks and Williamson are now developing a vacuum vessel geometry that maximizes the interior volume consistent with coil assembly over the vacuum vessel along the optimum trajectory. It is expected that there will be some localized regions where space for PFC's, trim coils, and magnetic diagnostics is less than desired and compromises will be necessary.
* Updating technical bases and costs for WBS 2-6 for the PDR. Larry Dudek described the PDR preparation plans for WBS 2-6. His report is appended.
* Wayne: Defining the modular coil and vacuum vessel geometry is the critical issue for the project at this time. The task is led by Brooks and Williamson, as noted above. Progress will be reviewed at the next Engineering meeting, scheduled for Jan. 15.
* The selection process for the modular coil winding form R&D contracts is going well.
* Wayne observed that the reduced first plasma requirements may provide opportunities to reduce the power systems costs by making do with less on Day 1. It was agreed that such opportunities should be pursued, starting with looking for breakpoints in the power systems cost.
4. Project Control Items (Ron)
* Status updates: there was a discussion of how we might conduct the monthly status updating process more efficiently. It was decided that WBS managers will be asked to submit status input to Ron by e-mail in advance of the status meeting, so that the meetings can focus on issues and problem areas. A format will be devised to facilitate submission of input. December status input will be requested by Jan.10; the status meetings will be held the week of Jan. 13. Strykowsky and Simmons are working on improving the WAFs to more accurately reflect the preparation schedule for the PDR.
* NCSX Quarterly Report. Greg Pitonak has indicated that routine quarterly reports will start this month. We provide the data that gets reported.
ACTION: Ron follow up with Greg to determine when the January report will be held and what project support is required.
* Project Management Systems review. It was agreed that the PMS review should be targeted for late February.
5. CDR/PAC-6 Recommendations Tracking. The PAC-6 recommendations have been appended to the CDR recommendations tracking log. The log was distributed to responsible individuals, requesting a status update of all items by Jan. 24.
6. Next SIT Meetings: Monday, Jan. 20 at 11:00 a.m. EST.
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson
WBS 2-6 Preliminary Design Review Plans (reported by L. Dudek)
Neutral Beam Injection
1. The PBXM NBI is a mature
technology with proven run experience. Design changes will be limited to those
required to adapt to the NCSX physical arrangement and physics needs.
2. A procedure has been generated to handle field work in keeping with
laboratory requirements. Other procedure requirements have been identified for
future needs and will be addressed as necessary.
3. The Accel Modulators have been evaluated and are ready for low level power,
deionized water, and system checks.
4. A walkdown of the Accel AC power high voltage equipment has been performed.
5. The DI water system for the Accel rectifiers has been evaluated. Restoration
of this system is in progress. (WBS 6)
6. With the completion of the above items 2-5, a high voltage check of the
Accel system can be performed.
7. The beam boxes have been stowed in the ESAT building pit level. Collection
of vacuum test equipment and other hardware has begun to prepare to evaluate
the vacuum integrity of this legacy equipment this coming Spring.
8. The beam sources were removed and saved for future refurbishment.
9. A plan to address the controls and instrumentation design has been developed
using existing technology at the lab as a cost savings measure.
10. A survey of drawings in Drafting revealed that some legacy drawings had
been removed. A full set of drawings is believed to exist on a combination of
11. New drawings and space requirements will be required per NCSX arrangement
12. Installation and routing of cables and piping requires much attention. Some
provision must be considered for all four beam boxes though only 2 are expected
at first. The high voltage cable routes are particularly of concern.
13. for January 2004. Per item 1 above, the NBI will require space, support structure,
ancilliary system connections, plumbing and cabling, and instrumentation and
control fiber optics merged with a operating controls scheme in keeping with
other beam systems at the lab. These items are in progress.
14. The Interface Control Management Plan was reviewed for pertinence to NBI. Some interfaces are well known. Others are being evaluated as part of the trial of the legacy equipment.
1. Develop the individual diagnostics physics requirements
2. Layouts of initial diagnostics set on ports with interface to the cryostat and vacuum vessel (Russ Feder - learning curve on ProE)
3. External space envelopes
defined on the platform and in the test cell.
4. Port assignment drawing.
5. Update on cost and schedule estimates
Power Systems
1. The basic approach for WBS4
will be to revisit the already presented package for the CDR and update the
requirements to reflect changes of the machine coil system.
2. WBS4 must be furnished with the final coil configuration so that power feeds
can be arranged.
3. FCPC second floor - Some area are to be cleared to accommodate NCSX
equipment. Cost will have to revisited.
4. Trim Coils: The actual number of proposed trim coils along with the control
requirements shall be made available. In the past there have been several
discussions on the subject - however there has not been any final outcome.
Typical statements were that that some of the coils can be connected in series
and fed from the same power supply etc. Depending on the input from the project
we will generate an estimate.
5. Will there be any funds available to purchase equipment this fiscal year?
Central I & C
1. Software for NSTX is being developed this year which can be reused for NCSX. The status of that work will be presented along with its impact, if any on cost and schedule.
Vacuum Pumping, Fueling and Wall Conditioning Systems
1. The budgeted amount for FY03 for the vacuum pumping, fueling and wall conditioning systems reflects that the CDR presentation was satisfactory for the PDR and the only addition would be the testing of PBX-M equipment as recommended at the CDR committee. We assume that for these system there will be space allocated on each of the three main port covers for a gas injection system, GDC hardware (anode and filament) and ion gauges.
2. The vacuum pumping system testing
3. Previously given port requirements for inner wall and divertor region gas injection, and inner and other wall pellet injection should be explicitly assigned on a port layout.
Water Systems
1. The legacy equipment in the
pump room basement will be started and assessed. Work has already begun
to assess the equipment
2. The estimate will be updated, based on the evaluation.