Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of Monday, June 9, 2003
1. Critical Technical Issues
* E04 coil design is acceptable to physics and can be
adopted if Engineering wishes to. Engineering's assessment is that it is
preferable to the current baseline, Z01. Switching from Z01 to E04 may have
some near-term schedule impact but, assuming it is not large, the expectation
is that Engineering will recommend adopting E04.
ACTION: Brad make recommendation.
* Conductor properties and allowables data. Not getting
much information from CTD. However, this is extremely critical, so it needs
regular follow-up.
ACTION: Bob follow-up with CTD.
* Coping with thermal stresses. Some kind of resilient
material incorporated into the winding pack may solve the problem.
* Keystoning and demo coil. Chrzanowski's plan was reviewed
last week and submitted to Ron. Brad reported that it may be easier than first
thought to re-shape the conductor. Hutch has written back to Sapper with
some follow-up questions. Twist pitch has been identified as a critical
variable by Auburn and Sapper; do we have the optimum pitch? Brad has
experimented with the 4-cable conductor and confirmed that hand-taping would be
required in the tight-bend regions.
* Modular coil feeds. Locally spreading the windings
(so-called "aneurysm")
to accommodate the coil feeds produces too much field error. The leads will be
brought out along the side of the coil.
* Vacuum vessel shell geometry. Need to modify to
accommodate assembly interferences. Switch to E04 is not expected to have any
effect but will be checked to confirm.
2. MCWF Supplier Activities (Hutch)
* The suppliers have submitted MIT/QA plans and budgetary
estimates. Follow-up meetings are being held. Generating the necessary design
drawings is on the critical path to fabricating the prototype. The
suppliers will be assigned to assist with some design tasks (the
"wings" and the poloidal break) in order to expedite the design
effort and also obtain some manufacturer input on the design. Phil
Heitzenroeder is developing the additional work scopes.
3. Value Engineering Task Force (Mike)
* The first meeting will be held this week. Plans will be
presented at next week's SIT meeting.
4. Project Control and Re-baselining for the PDR
* FY-03 re-baselining inputs have been received from most
job managers. WAFs will be generated this week.
* FY-03 re-baselining of WBS 12 and 14: Wayne will take a
first cut this week and review it with Brad. An important milestone is the MCWF
prototype FDR. When we are close to having a design that we are ready to go
forward with for the MCWF prototype, we will need to make a recommendation to
Rich. This should be as soon as possible, but in any case before the prototype
MC design tasks include: the "wings", the poloidal
break, updating the geometry to E04, possible design mods to accommodate
keystoning, routing the coil feeds, possible design mods to accommodate thermal
stresses. VV design tasks include re-contouring to resolve interferences
and checking against E04.
ACTION: Wayne. Progress report due at next SIT meeting.
* A FY-03 financial status report for PPPL stellarator
projects was issued for comment. A $1.7M underrun in costs relative to budget
is projected.
ACTION: Hutch, Wayne, Mike review Ron's report and provide
* Meetings this week: WBS 3 status and FY-03 re-baselining
was reviewed June 9 afternoon.
ACTION: Hutch document meeting.
ACTION: Ron schedule meeting to review updated WBS 3 project
* Meeting to review WBS 4 updated costs will be scheduled
this week.
5. Next SIT Meeting: Monday, June 16.
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson