Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday,
November 10, 2003
1. FY-04 Schedule Risks
summarized the schedule risks in the stellarator core area:
- Risk #1: Modeling of the MC winding forms. This is
holding up the critical.
- Don’t yet have a model that all designers,
manufacturers, and analysts can work with.
- Both suppliers are unable to use it.
- (It was later decided to halt the suppliers’ work and
provide them a new model developed by Tom Brown. This has reportedly been
done and the suppliers will soon be authorized to resume work.)
- Even if the Type C prototype work gets back on track,
it is not clear that Tom’s model solves all MCWF modeling problems. It may
not be a permanent fix.
- Risk #2: Adequacy of MC analysis plans, once a
model is in place. (See 11/3 minutes.)
- Risk #3: Machining cost uncertainties
- Have the machining subs analyzed our parts in enough
detail to identify risks so they can be addressed ahead of
- Risk #4: Not getting the VV ports requirements defined
in time.
- Lots of progress with WBS 3 lately, but will
requirements be established when needed by WBS 12 in order to stay on
- There is another Pro/E expert potentially available at
ORNL. If Brad thinks this person could contribute to resolving the
modeling problems, Brad should secure his services. ACTION: Brad.
- Determine whether and how critical ORNL FY-04 design
jobs could be speeded up with additional resources. (Jim, Brad)
- Should there be a Pro/E modelers’ expert workshop to
develop a plan for coming up with a permanent solution? ACTION:??
- Are analytical resources needed to augment Steve Chae?
- Get the machining subs spun up now to look at our
designs and provide some feedback. ACTION: Brad work with
2. Budget and Work
Plans for FY-04
Ron and Hutch distributed and led a discussion of FY-04
- Address resource overload issues (Wayne, Brad)
- Could some of Chrzanowski’s fab work be done outside
instead of at PPPL, anticipating overloads? (Wayne follow up with Chrzanowski)
- Identify WBS 1 tasks for Art Brooks (Brad, provide to
- Cryostat and Base (WBS 17) work will be authorized. (Ron
follow up with Gettelfinger)
- Modular coil handling fixture and GPS system
procurements will be authorized so we can start getting experience. (Wayne
follow-up with Raftopolous.)
- Discuss management reserve plans with Greg and PPPL
Management (Hutch, Ron)
C-Site Power Option Study
Mike Zarnstorff is the job manager.
ACTION: Mike prepare a WAF.
4. Next SIT Meeting: Monday,
November 17, 2003
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