Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of
Monday, November 17, 2003
1. FY-04 Schedule
We followed up on corrective actions from the Nov. 10
- Brad reported that he has secured the services of Martin
Brown, a contract engineer who is an expert with Pro/E, to work on modeling
issues. He has worked on the prototype modeling.
- Tom Brown’s model of the Type C winding form is a
significant step forward which has gotten the MCWF prototyping activity back
on track. Kudos to the WBS 1 team.
- Hutch plans to visit ORNL Dec. 8-9 to meet with Brad,
Jim, and the ORNL team. One agenda item will be ORNL’s resource planning to
address critical FY-04 design tasks.
- Brad reported that the MCWF suppliers are starting to
look at the manufacturing issues in more detail and are providing feedback.
Still open:
- Have we permanently solved the MCWF modeling problem?
- Should there be a Pro/E modelers’ expert workshop to
develop a plan for coming up with a permanent solution?
- Analytical resources to augment Steve Chae.
- Are we getting adequate heads-up on potential MCWF
manufacturing difficulties (e.g., machining) so that we can try to address
them ahead of time?
- Do WBS 3 and 12 have a handshake on the schedule for
finalizing the VV port configuration?
2. Budget and Work Plans for
- The WAFs need to be approved. Wayne can approve them.
- Issue instructions for finalizing the WAFs (Ron)
- Continue to follow up on open work planning issues from
previous SIT meetings. (Ron, Wayne, WBS managers)
3. Next SIT Meeting: Monday, November 24,
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson