Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT)
Meeting of Friday, April 2, 2004
1. Critical FDR
issues needing attention (Brad)
- Material properties testing
and design criteria: A new test sample has been fabricated, which is
expected to provide the critical tension data needed to draw conclusions.
Brad’s assessment is that we are likely to soon have in hand the minimum
data base (compression, flexure, tension) needed to have a good enough story
for the FDR. Brad was not sure if we would have fatigue-life results for
the FDR; however, in a separate conversation, Phil expressed optimism.
- Modular coil deflections:
There is a lot of analysis activity going on, executing the plan that
was adopted a few weeks ago. A special effort is needed to pull together
a coherent assessment of the current status and likely trajectory of the
deflection story between now and the FDR. It was agreed that Brad would take
it on and report at the next SIT meeting. The issues are: what do we
know now and is it a problem? what is our position at the FDR likely to
be? What management actions could be taken now that would help?
Action: Brad report to SIT on April 12.
- Machine geometry issues:
Assembly interference problems persist. Brad’s assessment is that there
is no fundamental reason they cannot be solved, but ProE modeling limitations
make it a slow process. Tom Brown is working on it. Action: Brad stay on
top of it.
- Large volume of
deliverables: The deliverable requirements have been quantified; now we
need to track progress. It was decided not to use meetings for this
purpose. Instead, Brad will gather the information and report status to Wayne.
Action: Brad.
- MC and VV B-Spec (SRD) peer
reviews this week yielded an extensive set of chits. Wayne agreed to
assist the WBS managers by producing the next iteration of these documents as
well as the FMECA for the VV. Action:
2. Critical-path issues needing
attention (Wayne)
- Chill plates: There
is a risk that the chill plates will hold up coil fabrication activities
(twisted racetrack, full-scale prototype) unless a cost-effective fabrication
concept is produced soon. It was decided to assign the problem to Bob
Parsells. Action: Brad contact Parsells and get him started.
- Planar racetrack coil
tests: Meetings addressing the coil test facility, test plan, ES&H
issues, etc. are happening. Wayne’s assessment is that a large number of
action items has been identified. Wayne will follow up will Al von Halle
for support in addressing the issues. Action: Wayne.
- Weld joint R&D: A
plan for completing the R&D program by the end of FY-04 has been presented
by Larry Dudek. The estimated cost to complete is $142K (versus $130k shown in
the March 1 WAF status, not so different). The plan includes a
series of small-sample tests followed by full-scale tests. The
full-scale tests depend on procurement of a full-scale sample at a cost of
$62k, which will be considered in updating the project’s FY-04 discretionary
spending plans in the next week or two. If the full-scale test could not
be completed until after the VVSA contract is placed, there is a risk that the
results may lead to changes in the product specification, but the risks are
considered manageable. Action: Hutch & Ron consider when updating
spending plan.
- VVSA Procurement:
Next milestone is to release an advance Spec and SOW to the suppliers on
April 13. A peer review of these documents is scheduled for April 9. The
SOW is likely to be ready, but the current status of the C-spec is unknown. A
version dated May 9, 2003, was issued to the suppliers for budgetary
estimating purposes. An updated status and forecast will be obtained at
the April 5 WAF status meeting. Action: Hutch follow up on
SPEB-Project interface issues.
- MCWF Procurement:
Next milestone is to release an advance Spec and SOW to the suppliers on
May 5. A scheduled peer review of these documents was postponed and has not
been re-scheduled. An updated status and forecast will be
obtained at the April 5 WAF status meeting. Action: Hutch follow up
on SPEB-Project interface issues.
3. Other
- C-Site power supply study:
A study of the C-site power supply option, under way since the beginning
of the fiscal year, has not produced a case for changing the baseline. A
decision was made to terminate the study. A recommendation to this
effect was subsequently sent to the Deputy Director. Action: Hutch
bring to closure.
- FY-04 spending plans.
The project has proposed a plan for spending out most of the
remaining budget, including current management reserves, calling for an
increase in discretionary spending authority. The Laboratory is
considering this request; a decision will be made after completing an update
of institutional spending plans for the rest of the year. Responsibility:
Hutch & Ron.
- Baseline updates:
ECP-6 is in preparation to capture changes since ECP-5. The main
feature will be the change in machine configuration associated with the major
reconfiguration of the VV ports since the PDR. Other necessary updates will be
included as well. ECP-6 will establish the FDR baseline. A successful
CCB is needed by April 23 to support DOE approval by the end of April.
At least one more ECP will be needed after that to establish the CD-3
baseline, reflecting the actual VVSA and MCWF contract price proposals.
Responsibility: Bob.
4. Next SIT Meeting:
Monday, April 12 at 11:00 a.m. EDT.
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson