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Engineering > Meeting Records > 16 February 2004 (SIT)


Review of ECP5 re WBS 12/13 (Reiersen)


The meeting was abbreviated due to light attendance resulting from conflicts and absences.

1.  Producing the FDR Deliverables

  • The project will schedule peer reviews of critical design and analysis deliverables between now and the May Final Design Review. The recent port configuration peer review was the first example. Brad estimates that it will require up to 4 peer reviews per week to address all the issues.

  • Please remember to invite Greg Pitonak to all reviews.

  • Wayne has issued a memo addressing the vacuum vessel and conventional coils design plans. It addresses the scope of the Vacuum Vessel final design review planned for May, proposes a set of peer review topics, and identifies some near-term actions. See Attached. Action: Wayne to follow up with assignees and develop a review schedule.

  • Brad reported that the requested list of final design deliverables is nearing completion.

  • A follow-up peer review of the vacuum vessel port configuration will be held this Friday. Action: Brad contact Larry Dudek and/or Bob Simmons to make arrangements.

  • A report of the vacuum vessel thermal analysis is in preparation and will then be peer reviewed. Possibly this Wednesday.

  • Brad reported that the coil interferences during assembly are being resolved without the need to modify the VV shell geometry. That is good news. Action: Wayne and Brad decide on the process for freezing the geometry.

2.  FY04 Financial Status

  • Financial situation has been assessed based on the new ECP-005 baseline and January cost performance update.

  • Ron has issued updated WAFs and a spreadsheet detailing resource needs by month, with individuals called out by name. Please review and address the issues that are highlighted there.

  • PPPL has applied constraints on project’s discretionary spending.  As a result, plans for procuring the production modular coil conductor and constructing the DC cable support towers are being deferred to next fiscal year.

  • The project is requesting a transfer of $311k from PPPL to ORNL to support planned work, per the current WAFs.

  • Brad reported that ORNL is working to get 3 more people on board to support FDR preparations.

  • PPPL will contract with Peter Titus and Len Myatt to support analysis activities. Dick Reed will be retained to support the materials properties effort.

  • NCSX  plans a significant ramp-up in PPPL labor for the rest of the fiscal year and is working with the Engineering Department to make arrangements.

3.  Next SIT Meeting: Planning for next Monday, February 23, 2004, at 11:00 a.m.  

Summary by:
Hutch Neilson

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