From: Hutch Neilson []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:37 PM
To: Phil Heitzenroeder; Mike Zarnstorff; Wayne Reiersen; Bob Simmons; Larry Dudek; Ron Strykowsky; Brad Nelson; John Schmidt; Hutch Neilson; Jim Lyon; Pamela Hampton
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of 2/23/04 (corrected)
 Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, February 23, 2004

1.   Producing the FDR Deliv erables
Several meetings were held in the past two weeks aimed at identifying key reviews and deliverables. Status was reported by Reiersen and Nelson.

April 2,  FDR of twisted racetrack coil (TRC)
April 15, Fabrication Readiness Review of TRC
May 19-20, FDR of the Production Modular Coil Winding Forms (All 3 types)
July 7, Fabrication Readiness Review of the Modular Coil Prototype
Dec. 15, Fabrication Readiness Review of the Type C Production Modular Coil

May 19-20, FDR of the Vacuum Vessel Subassembly
by March 31, 2005,  FDR of VV hardware (heating/cooling distribution, insulation, supports)

t.b.d.,  Weld joint R&D Plan, Goranson
Feb.  27,  VV port configuration, Part II, Cole
Feb. 27,  Racetrack coil test plans,  Nelson, Gettelfinger.
Mar. 3,  Type A & B Modular coil casting models for solidification analysis., Williamson
Mar. 10, Structural Design Criteria and Material Allowables, Zatz
Mar. 10, EM loads and fault conditions,  Strickler, Fan
Mar. 10, Eddy Currents and disruption loads, Brooks
Action:  Identify peer review chairs for as many of the reviews as possible. (Reiersen, Nelson)

Action: further changes to be incorporated into the ECP-5 baseline should be submitted to Ron by 2/27.

2.  Project Control (Ron)

3.  Final Design Review plan

4.  Critical Technical Issues  (Wayne)
The resolution will be documented via an ICD between WBS 12 and 3. Action: Simmons.

5.  Next SIT Meeting: Monday, March 1, 2004 at 11:00 a.m.

Summary by:
Hutch Neilson