Peter Titus – Fracture Mechanics
- Based on code developed for ITER TF case analysis by
Jun Feng, used 2 to 3.5 mm initial flaw size
- Peter and Jun will run different Y factors to better
simulate Len's stress situation.
- Dick will send Peter and Jun 316 weld data to
- Ran code for NCSX case, using constants from NIST for
annealed 316 at 77K (provided by Jun) and ITER cast case sections at 7K.
(Dick Reid: Data differences not related to different temperatures, but ITER
data may not be conservative) ITER indicated it was a grain size effect
that made the casting data better.
- Two stress levels, life set to end when crack
propagated through 0.75 inches
- Jun’s program calculates fast fracture, and simulation
ends when it goes 0.75 inches or when fast fracture occurs
- Ran 262 and 131 MPa
- Need factor of 4 on life, or 520,000
- Model assumes plate width is infinite, crack depth to
width = 0.3 initially, different crack depths assumed.
- What is failure criteria? electrical failure of
winding, deflection beyond allowable for good magnetic surfaces
- What did ITER use as flaw size? < 1mm
- X-rays will not detect cracks, add ultrasonic testing
in critical areas
Action: Phil sets
up meeting with inspection guys from Metaltek and Waukesha to discuss what
techniques are needed to find cracks
Cable tests –
underway again, no news to report yet
Beam tests: Torsion, bending, shear
- Jim C. to make new straight beams
- W7-AS used full cross section , did not resolve into
copper, epoxy, etc.
- Beam fixtures need to be modified at ORNL to provide
Action: Len to use
his model to figure out combination of bending/torsion in worst loaded
conditions – will make model of beam with tee and smeared winding pack, at some
point change to detailed winding pack
Action: Len come
up with another set of properties that we need and do not have yet
(shear modulus in conductor and insulation, interlaminar
shear strength turn-to-turn, etc.)
Action: Come up
with new set of test specimens to establish needed properties