Summary of NCSX
System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, December 5,
1. Management
- VVSA Delivery
- Updated schedule from
Major Tool forecasts delay in VVSA#1 delivery to late February, but project
expects further delay. Deliveries of #2 and #3 are also delayed, but
schedule for these has not been updated. As follow-up, Viola is
visiting MTM this week to review progress and schedules in detail.
Neilson, Heitzenroeder, et al. will visit Dec. 13-14.
- Risk mitigation: use the
additional time to become better prepared so we are more efficient in
Station 1 operations when VVSA#1 finally arrives. Examples: Hold
weekly planning meetings. Ensure visibility of all needed drawings and
parts. Procure all needed parts. Prototype operations. Develop
procedures and conduct simulated operations to test
- Recent DOE
- Lehman Review:
Draft report issued last week includes recommendation to develop trim
coil design for next review, and notes a concern about the pattern of scope
reductions to control costs. Responsibility: Mike Z./Physics
develop trim coil requirements and plan to report at May Lehman review.
- Weekly Reports: We
are now required to report on coil winding activities in addition to MCWF
and VVSA. Will rely on weekly reports of progress and schedule
forecasts from Chrzanowski.
- Twisted racetrack
results: We need to summarize conclusions of twisted racetrack testing
for ourselves and in response to DOE queries. Brad’s magnetic field probing
tests included. Action: Wayne pull conclusions together. Plan
to report at next IPT meeting (12/20).
- Review of RWP logs.
As RLM, Larry is responsible.
- MC parts availability to
support winding operations.
- Tracking of needed
drawings and parts orders. Intent is to eventually rely on BoM, but
there is some of risk of incompleteness in the BoM while the assembly
drawings are still under development. Extra communication is necessary
to ensure visibility of needed parts drawings. Actions: Larry: send
his informal tracking list to Brad for review. Ron: add early need
dates corresponding to our internal schedule. Brad: Review Larry’s
list and provide feedback and BoM updates ASAP.
- Type C cladding and chill
plates: Larry does not see any availability issues at this time.
- Adequacy of MC design
resources: Brad reports that Rushinski is again working on MC design
tasks, and feels that the assigned resources are adequate at this time.
- MC design priorities:
Producing parts drawings to support procurements has highest priority.
Most critical items are Type A lead blocks and cladding. FDRs will
continue be held for each part, as we have been doing. Assembly
drawings and comprehensive FDRs or design audits have lower priority.
- Field Period Assembly
Station 1 risks
- Key technical risk:
lack of heating and cooling system design due to unknown thermal
performance of the flexible tubing. Mitigation: tests at ORNL to quantify
performance. FDR in early January.
- Key cost and schedule
risk: Lack of a fully developed plan. Mitigation: planning
activity underway, led by Reiersen, with Brown and Viola as key players.
Weekly meetings being held. Peer review planned for
3. Project
- Highlights from November
status meeting (Ron)
- Criticality of modular
coil drawings and parts. There is a risk that needed parts drawings
will not be available when needed to support winding operations.
- Cost control in MC
winding operations. Budget is large ($2.3M this year). Charges
need to be watched carefully. Larry.
- ORNL November cost
reports are overdue. Action:
4. Next SIT Meeting: Dec.
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson