NCSX Procurement Update of
1. MCWF procurement
- The C-1 casting arrived
back at MetalTek. The radiographic inspection data show that there are
internal casting defects as expected in a casting of this size. All of
these, as well as one localized dimensional non-conformance, are well within
the range of what can be repaired through the normal upgrading process and
will be addressed in that way.
- Modeling of the Type A
casting pattern is about 50% complete, and fabrication is progressing.
New flow solidification analyses of the Type A are being performed in
response to lessons learned on the C! Casting, which shoed a need for
re-positioning some of the risers. Foreseen delays in the pattern making and
the requirements to qualify a new pattern will affect the delivery sequence,
now expected to be C-C-C-A-A-A-B-B-...
- At last week’s team
meeting, Major Tool and the project identified zones where tolerances could be
relaxed in the vicinity of the ports. The issue is Major Tool’s expectation
that the shell will tend to deflect inward when the ports are welded on.
Controlling this effect is possible but could place higher priority
objectives at risk. Thus the project is willing to consider this request for
deviation and has some ability to accommodate it because 1)the deflections
occur on the outboard side rather than the very crowded inboard side, and
2)the predicted deflections are inward and thus do not carry the risk of
causing interferences during field period assembly.