Summary of NCSX
System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Wednesday, July 6,
1. Management
- NCSX is on the Office of
Science watch list because of our vendor delays and the expected slip in the
4Q Joule milestone. We expect it will involve more reporting and a get-well
plan to get off the list, but we do not have any definite information yet.
- Meetings are planned in DOE
for the week of July 11 to consider approving the directed baseline change
resulting from the funding stretchout. As far as we know, no further
information is required from us.
- We reviewed the
requirements for machine safeguards and personal protective equipment when
using machines.
- We reviewed the
Laboratory’s safety performance metrics for the current fiscal
3. Schedule
- Modular Coil Type C winding
- There are a large number
of drawings to be finished, checked, and issued following last week’s
successful FDR. Brad and Chrzanowski are working to streamline the drawing
requirements and set priorities based on fabrication needs. Brad
- PPPL support is needed to
ensure timely release of the drawings. Tom Brown can identify people to
check the drawings. Brad contact Tom.
- A Bill of Materials (BoM)
is needed to provide adequate visibility of all the parts that need to be
procured. Ron will work with the ORNL team and PPPL procurement to support
generation of a BoM with the parts grouped into procurement packages.
- Parts: most critical item
is the lead block assemblies. The material (G-11CR) is due today and will be
sent to the machining source, J.P. Pattern. Expected delivery is 8/19, but
Larry will negotiate partial shipment of the most urgently parts at an
earlier date. We did not, at this time, see a need to offer financial
incentives to expedite delivery, but it is not ruled out if conditions
change. Larry
- Stereolithography models
of the lead block assemblies will be ordered ASAP. They will be procured by
ORNL. Brad
- Procedures and
facilities. MC winding facilities are nearly complete and an ACC
safety walkthrough is scheduled for next week. Procedures for the
various manufacturing stations are being written. No schedule issues
are seen. However, the winding-pack dimensional stabilization bench
tests need to be completed and the results reviewed and folded into the
procedures. This should be brought to closure in the next few days. Wayne
- Staff: John Edwards will
be assigned to support coil winding and field period assembly activities. We
plan two-shift operation from the beginning, in an effort to catch up on our
schedule. The coil fabrication crew needs to be expanded to support MC
and TF production. Individuals need to be identified. Mike
- VV heating and cooling tube
procurement: The C-spec and SOW are approved. Mike Viola has been
assigned to be the tech. rep. and has initiated the procurement action (though
no req. has been submitted yet). Paul Goranson is looking at fallback options
in case there are no interested bidders.
- Field Period Assembly
rigging trials. Awaiting fabrication of some parts in PPPL shop.
Tests will be carried out next week or the following. Expect to reach
conclusions by the end of July.
4. Program
Planning Items (Hutch, Mike, Jim)
- We will organize a
stellarator information meeting at the upcoming APS-DPP meeting.
Responsibility: Jim.
- We will participate in the
activities of the Burning Plasma program office and show how stellarators fit
in. Mike Z. contact Ray Fonck.
- The third FY05 Research
Prep Quarterly Report is due. Mike Z.
- Arrange meeting to review
ARIES-CS configuration status. Hutch
- Prepare for PAC
teleconference on July 13. Hutch, and contributions as requested.
- Work with F. Najmabadi to
arrange stellarator community workshop and ARIES project meeting in September.
5. Next SIT Meeting: July 25.
Summary by: