NCSX Procurement Update of 5/24/05
- Machining of the C-1
casting (MCWF#1) continues. The rough machining down to the 0.25-in. stock
envelope is completed, Machining of the poloidal break has started and is
about half complete.
- X-ray inspection of the C-2
casting (MCWF#2) is almost complete. We expect to hear about the results when
we visit this week.
- Preparations for pouring
the A-1 (MCWF#3) casting continue at MetalTek, and also continue to be a
challenge due to its size and some of its geometrical features. After some
difficulty, they finally succeeded in removing the pattern from the mold. They
now expect to pour this week.
- Solidification modeling for
the B pattern (the last one) has completed its third
- A project delegation will
visit MetalTek on May 25-26 to discuss progress, schedules, and documentation
2. VVSA procurement
- Fabrication of the
60-degree weld fixture continues. The entire fixture was assembled last week,
but two of the supports were found to require some
- Fabrication of the panels
continues. They expect to start welding panels together this
- The technical
representative, Mike Viola, will visit Major Tool this
Hutch Neilson