of NCSX FY-06 Planning Meeting of November 29, 2005.
Strykowsky, and Neilson met Tuesday, Nov. 29 to review the status of FY-06 work
plans and address issues.
- Ron distributed the ECP-39
baseline schedule (Oct. 31 status), which assumed $15.9M of BA in FY-06.
That plan had $1.3M of management reserve remaining in FY-06.
- We expect to receive an
additional $1.291M of BA in FY-06, $1.10M to PPPL, $0.191M to ORNL. We decided
to put $0.516M (3% of the total BA) into management reserve, based on DOE
guidance that that amount may be rescinded later in the fiscal year. That
increases the remaining management reserve to $1.8M.
- We reviewed a proposal by
Ron for using the remaining $0.775M of additional BA to fund accelerated or
new work. Some modifications to Ron’s plan were identified, needing follow-up
as described below. Action: Ron distribute updated increment plan when
- WBS 13. Accelerate
PF4,5,6 design into FY-06. Not the CS support structure, however.
Action: Ron break out Job 1302 in more detail; get input from Kalish as
- WBS 13. Accelerate trim
coil design into late FY-06. Ask Physics to complete concept studies by May
Lehman review (per November recommendation), update requirements by end of
3Q, so design work could proceed in 4Q. Use trim coil design as the
swing item to make Kalish whole. Action: Hutch follow up with Zarnstorff
regarding trim coil plan.
- WBS 13. PF
construction could start in FY-06 as a possible outcome of discussions with
China. Specs could be made ready to support it. Would material procurements
have to be accelerated? Action: Hutch.
- WBS 17. Schedule
cryostat and base structure design work in FY-06? First need to complete
study of alternate cryostat concepts by Zarnstorff and Gettelfinger.
Action: Wayne follow up with Gettelfinger and update plan.
- WBS 17. Cryostat
seal R&D is recommended by Gettelfinger. Action: Wayne follow
up with Gettelfinger and make recommendation.
- WBS 14. Coil test
facility improvements (e.g., automated solenoid, $43k of new work) are
recommended by Gettelfinger. This seems justified, in order to improve
efficiency of coil test operations. Approved in principle; Wayne
follow up with Gettelfinger to define scope.
- WBS 16. Kickless
cable testing is recommended by Gettelfinger. Could this be combined
with testing of C1 modular coil to save cost? Action: Wayne
follow up with Gettelfinger and make recommendation.
- WBS 16. Accelerate
design of coil services by Williamson and Cole ($160k). Schedule this
work to be done in late FY-06, to follow Type B modular coil design work.
Action: Ron confirm with Brad.
- WBS 18. FP assembly
dimensional control. Need a WBS 18 plan that makes optimum use of
Viola and Edwards. It is anticipated that the plan will call for more
of Raftopoulos, pushing him closer to full coverage. Having 2 or 3 Station 1
fixtures may be desirable to maximize flexibility and make best use of
staff. One sector is heavily-populated (with flux loops), two are
lightly-populated. What is the optimum order of construction?
Action: Ron work with Dudek and Viola to develop detailed FY06 plan for Job
- WBS 12. Procure VV
personnel access ports in FY-06 because we’ll probably add it to the Major
Tool Contract. Approved.
- WBS 4. Keep power
cabling installation on hold. First, update Day-1 PF circuit
configuration (Wayne, with modeling support from Hatcher). Wayne provide
direction to Raki.
- WBS 7. Keep
platform work on hold. Ron communicate with
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson