From: Hutch Neilson
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:53
To: Hutch Neilson; Bradley E. Nelson; Jim Lyon; Lawrence E. Dudek;
Mike Williams; Michael C. Zarnstorff; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen;
Ronald L. Strykowsky; Mike Cole
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting
of 8/22/06
Summary of NCSX
System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Tuesday, August 22,
1. FY-07 Planning
- Overview
- The impacts of flat
funding will be strongly felt in FY-07. The project’s budget will drop from
$20M in FY-06 to $16M in FY-07. (FY-06 was higher due to carryover
from previous years and an incremental appropriation from Congress.)
Vacuum vessel contract will end, but TF contract will continue all
year. MCWF and coil winding activities will continue at a higher rate
of spending in FY-07 than in FY-06. We also need to budget adequate
contingency in FY-07 (at least $2M) so that we have the ability to manage
problems without disrupting activities. After that, there is little
left for Field Period Assembly or other procurements.
- On the positive side, we
have the support of both Labs and DOE to see that we receive the monthly
funding that we need during the expected continuing resolution at the
beginning of the fiscal year. Thus we do not expect that the CR will
constrain us.
- Planning
- Modular coil interface
hardware: Now the critical path of the project. Design will be
led by Goranson, under Williamson, but has not yet started. It may need a
push. Action: Jim L. Planning input is due to Ron this
week. Action: Mike C.
- TF coil structures:
There is a desire to push this activity so that the TF structures are
available when the coils start arriving (February), in order to be able to
perform trial assemblies. However, it is not on the critical path.
It was agreed we would try to at least push the design effort, led by
Dahlgren, in order to position ourselves to be able to procure the
structures. Fred has provided a schedule update to Ron.
- Field Period Assembly
design and procurement:
- Deliverables are:
1) assembly tooling, 2) assembly sequence, 3) dimensional control
plan, 4) specs and drawings.
- Organization: led by
Tom Brown, with support from Brooks (Dimensional Control planning, taking
over from Stratton) and ORNL (producing specs and assembly drawings).
The ORNL part is not yet budgeted; an estimate is due to Ron this
week. Action: Mike C.
- An external review is
planned in early October. Action: Suggest possible ORNL reviewers
(Mike C.). Contact W-7X team to request their participation. (Hutch
or Mike Z.)
- Field Period Assembly
- Job manager is Viola.
Field team is Edwards, Duco, and Bush. Will need Title III support
from ORNL, but may not be budgeted. An updated estimate is due to Ron this
week. Action: Mike C.
- Given limited budget,
we decided to continue with the lean staffing strategy we are currently
following. Problem solving on FP#1 has priority over production
work. Coil interferences are the main technical risk, and have priority
over vacuum vessel issues. Push coil fit-up activities as early in
the schedule as possible. We need to find out what the problems
- MCWF: There are known
overstock issues on at least some of the MCWF. Phil is working with
EIO to get the biggest problems resolved by the suppliers since machining
will be required on the worst areas. Dave W. and MTM are reviewing all
of the scan data from the foundry to identify problem areas.
- Modular Coil fabrication:
there remains an outstanding punch list of tasks to complete the coils,
currently not budgeted. Tasks include dressing the cooling tubes, I&C,
lead boxes for the magnetic loops, clamp modifications(?), poloidal break
hardware, etc. Insulation bats, if required. Lead area re-work on C2.
It varies from coil to coil. An estimate is due to Ron this
week. Action: Larry.
- New MC fixture:
Larry reported that the latest quotes for outside fabrication look
attractive and are low enough that we can proceed to place the order,
requesting delivery in October if necessary. Action: Larry.
- Coil services (WBS 16):
The design is scheduled for the 2nd half of FY-07. We discussed
whether it could be delayed to FY-08 but concluded it would be too risky
because of the complex integration issues. The risk is not leaving
enough space to accommodate the electrical leads if the design work is left
to the end.
- Testing: Based on last
week’s peer review the project has decided to test the C5 coil using fiber
optic strain gauges. The timing will depend on the NSTX schedule, in
order to take advantage of operating synergies as we have been doing. The
current plan is to test C5 in January-February, but there may be an
opportunity in November if we are ready. Action: Wayne contact Al
von Halle.
2. Status of response to ETC
request from Jerry Faul
- Cost performance
improvement (Ron): Trends continue to be favorable since May. Monthly
variances are down. Contingency free balance percentage is rising, and is
almost up to 20%.
- MIE update: Work is
being re-scheduled with the stellarator core out to the PF front-loaded,
everything else back-loaded. Trying to increase FY-07 budget contingency, by
reducing schedule contingency. Schedule input on FPA has been received.
Cost estimate updates are needed.
- It is certain that we
will need to identify possible cost reductions to offset expected growth
resulting from ETC updates. The cryostat is a prime candidate. Two
construction concepts have been suggested: 1) A fiberglass “board”
laminate similar to the CTF cryostat, and 2) Foam sprayed on a cloth or
plastic tent-like substrate. These would carry us through the first physics
run, and be upgraded later. The intent would be to provide a permanent
cryostat base. We cannot afford significant engineering development of any
concept at this time.
- Program for FY09-11:
Mike W. has compiled an over-complete list of possible upgrades with
cost estimates. Next step is to develop priorities and a time-phased
3. Next SIT Meeting: August
Summary by:
Hutch Neilson