From: Hutch Neilson
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:22 PM
To: Hutch Neilson; Bradley E. Nelson; Jim Lyon; Lawrence E. Dudek; Mike Williams; Michael C. Zarnstorff; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen; Ronald L. Strykowsky; Mike Cole
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of 7/24/06
Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, July 24, 2006

1.   Safety items: NCSX response to recent ISM review
Wayne presented project responses to the issues identified by the recent ISM re-verification review. Highlights:

2.  Coil Testing
Wayne summarized conclusions from recently completed cold testing of C1 coil.

4.    Response to DOE request for cost and schedule analysis

4.  Next SIT Meeting: August 7

Summary by:
Hutch Neilson