From: Hutch Neilson
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 5:52
To: Bradley E. Nelson; Jim Lyon; Lawrence E. Dudek; Mike Williams;
Michael C. Zarnstorff; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen; Ronald L.
Strykowsky; Mike Cole
Cc: Brentley C. Stratton
Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of 6/26/06
Summary of NCSX System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting
of Monday, June 26, 2006
1. Safety
- Follow-up of recent ACC
review of FPA stage 1.
- Tour safety: Larry
revise tour route map per DeLooper suggestion. Hutch submit
revised tour guidelines.
- Trip hazard:
Larry is following up.
- Follow-up of recent ISM
Re-verification Review, June 12-16.
- NCSX Procedures (VPI,
autoclave operation, autoclave access) are being revised to improve
adherence to LOTO and Confined Space procedures. (Chrzanowski, Raftopoulos,
by June 30). NCSX utilization of elephant trunks for pump exhaust
should be referred to in NCSX procedures. Larry following up.
- Lockout-Tagout refresher
training. Hutch work with HR and Ray Camp to schedule refresher
training course for NCSX personnel and others in Laboratory.
- Configuration control of
JHAs. Additional measures may be needed to ensure that JHAs and
affected staff stay current. The issue is highlighted on very long
jobs such as NCSX Coil Winding.
- Discussion
- Do JHAs need to be
controlled documents?
- Should the JHA be
part of the procedure, to ensure that it is controlled along with the
- How often should the
JHA be reviewed?
- How frequently should
staff be refreshed on the content of the JHA?
- What ensures that new
staff are briefed on the JHA?
- Action: Larry
working with IH to consider modifications to JHA procedures.
- The JHA should stay
up-to-date with the current hazards (may change with time if the
procedures change, or even if they don’t)
- The affected staff
should stay up-to-date with the job hazards and JHA contents.
- New staff should be
indoctrinated in the job hazards and JHA contents before they start
working on the job.
- Make the
step-specific PPE requirements clearer. Probably via the
2. Management
- Recent Lehman
- Disposition plan for
review recommendations is due July 14. Still following up on issues
coil testing, transition to operations.
- Next Lehman Review.
Scheduled for week of Dec. 11, 2006.
- Follow up to June Watch
List briefing:
- NCSX scope reductions
history: Documented with project assessment of risks and program
impacts. Hutch
- Cost performance trends:
Need to improve cost performance trends by the end of the FY to
increase DOE confidence that the project will be completed on budget. Goal
is to improve monthly incremental CV to better than -$100k/month for the
rest of the fiscal year. (It has been running -$300 to -$400k per month thru
April, but was about +$60k in May.) Director’s Office has request a plan, by
7/12, for how we are going to achieve the improvement. Ron
create first draft by June 29.
- C1 repair:
Gettelfinger is in charge of removing the coil from the CTF and cryostat
and delivering it to the test cell. Chrzanowski is responsible for the
repair, starting with development of a procedure and JHA for exploratory
surgery to determine the needed repairs.
- Analysis of C1 test
results. Wayne is pulling together the plan to compare test
results with analysis predictions and determine the requirements for further
testing, if any. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 3:00. Decide on
future testing plans by July 31.
- MC winding schedule
performance: 4 new technicians are being hired and will join the winding team
in July.
- Magnetic diagnostics (WBS
31) cost control: Wayne followed up with Labik to address issue of
persistent variances (-$111k CV on $320k of work accomplished to date.) His
assessment is that the work currently being performed is at the minimum scope
to implement required VV flux loops and MC co-wound loops. The project
is considering canceling the MC flux loops to eliminate the budget and cost
risk associated with that work, and offset current variances. The
programmatic impact will be documented. Hutch, Mike Z.
- Status of pending spending
- 3rd winding fixture:
Larry is developing a plan and estimate. Try to decide in July.
- Additional cold testing:
Wayne is leading analysis effort to support decision.
- MC flux loops:
Consider canceling from MIE to reduce cost risks. Fund via
Research Prep? Hutch, Mike Z.
- Trim coils on the MC
shell: Not in scope, potentially quite costly but programmatically of
value and may replace external trim coils in MIE project. Might
require research prep funding. Hutch, Mike Z.
- Magnetic Alignment
implementation. Concern exists about the uncertain cost and benefit of
this technique, which is not yet proven. Decide by July 7. Hutch,
Mike Z.
- New laser-guided
component locating system. (new) vendor demonstration last week
was positively received by engineering team. MIght reduce labor costs
for installing magnetic loops, and potentially other applications.
Raftopoulos is performing cost-benefit analysis. Larry
4. Next SIT Meeting:
Summary by: