From: Hutch Neilson
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 11:29
To: Bradley E. Nelson; Hutch Neilson; Jim Lyon; Lawrence E. Dudek;
Mike Williams; Michael C. Zarnstorff; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen;
Ronald L. Strykowsky
Subject: Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of
Summary of NCSX
System Integration Team (SIT) Meeting of Monday, March 27,
1. Management items
- ETC Update in preparation
for Lehman review.
- Some input was received
by 3/24 deadline, but much still outstanding. Ron will schedule management
reviews, starting with VV and MC design this week.
- Safety
- Project was recognized by
State of NJ for no away-from-work lost-time cases in 2005.
- Manufacturing Facility
Project Hazard Analysis has been updated by Larry. Action: Larry to
distribute to SIT (done).
- Recent safety-related
violations (construction tape, radiation work permit) at PPPL were
discussed. We are susceptible to violations or even accidents
resulting from lapses in attentiveness to rules. Consequences adverse to the
project can result. Procedures need to be reinforced with staff.
2. Risks
- VVSA dimensional
non-conformances (Wayne)
- In-process dimensional
data provided by Major Tool were analyzed by the engineering team last week.
Assessment if the part (VVSA #1) were to be completed with these conditions:
- No problem with field
period assembly.
- There is encroachment
into the plasma region in local areas near the bullet cross section on the
inboard side. If allowance is made for weld distortion during assembly
(re-installing the port or making up the field joints), then the
encroachment is about 0.30 in. over a few square inches. If no
allowance is made for assembly distortion, only a few points are out of
- The flange is still being
measured, however it is known to have problems.
- We are trying to clarify
our acceptance criteria. We will communicate them to Major Tool ASAP.
- Our assessment of the
in-process data is that, if the completed part were to have the current
dimensional conditions, it would be unacceptable. Some repair of the flange,
at least, will be required. This assessment will be communicated to Major
- Type A Modular coil
- Brad is pushing to finish
the Type A lead blocks, cladding, and chill plate drawings. They are
starting to get released now.
- Larry is developing
contingency plans in case parts procurement is delayed. Chill plates
and cladding can be built in-house if necessary. The A coils can be
delayed in the sequence as long as there are C coils to work
- Modular coil inter-coil
shear handling (Wayne)
- Engineering is studying
solutions which involve adding more flange bolts on the inboard side. The
goal at this stage is to find one solution that will work. Other
approaches may also work. A presentation and recommendations will be
made in the next few days.
4. Next SIT Meeting:
Summary by: