From: Ronald L. Strykowsky Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 7:35 AM To: James H. Chrzanowski; 'Cole, Michael'; 'Jeffrey Harris'; Jeff Harris; Phil Heitzenroeder; Bob Simmons; Michael R. Kalish; Hutch Neilson; Erik D. Perry; Don Rej; Michael E. Viola; Lawrence E. Dudek; Bob Simmons Cc: Pamela Hampton Subject: RE: NCSX WEEKLY MEETING-MANDATORY Attachments: Job8221 sept302008 status.pdf Closeout documentation status for this afternoon's meeting showing only incomplete input. Ron -----Original Message----- From: Ronald L. Strykowsky Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 1:04 PM To: James H. Chrzanowski; 'Cole, Michael'; 'Jeffrey Harris'; Jeff Harris; Phil Heitzenroeder; Bob Simmons; Michael R. Kalish; Hutch Neilson; Erik D. Perry; Don Rej; Michael E. Viola; Lawrence E. Dudek Cc: Pamela Hampton Subject: NCSX WEEKLY MEETING-MANDATORY This is at our normal time of 1:00 pm Wednesday in the engr conference room. Thanks,Ron Folks, At this Wednesday's meeting we need to do our month close earned value assessment and ETC update. Please come prepared to provide your estimate of FY09 cost for your remaining job scope. Attached you'll find any updated copy of the activity barcharts showing only remaining scope. I'll also be sending out a detailed update of the closeout documentation log shortly. The following folks should come prepared with answers to the following; JIM CHRZANOWSKI - ETC & schedule for the remaining punch list tasks incl etc for Langish's time MIKE KALISH - Trim coil drawings signoff - Plan for closing out the Everson contract MIKE COLE - Remaining work scope, if any? JEFF HARRIS - FY09 plans and ETC against your management job 8102? PHIL HEITZENROEDER - FY09 plans and ETC against your management job 8202? DON REJ - Data archiving plans (scope/charge, who, when)? Expected impact to ETC? BOB SIMMONS - Detailed status for job 8221 (closeout documentation by individual) including last minute ETC updates - Issues requiring action on the closeout documentation HUTCH - Plans for final risk registry update STRYKOWSKY - FY09 Allocations ETC VIOLA - Close job 1810? - HP support to continue against job 1802? (Expectations to the HP folks.) - FY09 LOE work to continue i.e.; crane/rigging inspections NEED ETC (charge Erik's job 8220? - FPA WAF update IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND PLEASE E-MAIL ME YOUR STATUS AND ETC! PPPL Participants will meet in the Engineering Conference Room Off-site attendees: Call in number: 866-830-3841 Passcode: 6848450#