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Engineering > Modular Coils, Toroidal Field Coils & VVSA Fabrication


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Modular Coil Half Period Assembly Over Vacuum Vessel (Done 8/25/2008)


Modular Coil Winding Activities - Photo Album

  • MC R&D Activities (001) - This section includes all of the R&D files for the work that was completed prior to manufacturing.  Activities include VPI trials; trial windings; conductor keystoning activities; plus the Twisted Racetrack Coil.

  • MC Materials (002) - This section includes information on the materials used for the modular coils including insulation; epoxy and conductor.  It does not include information on the MC castings

  • Modular Coil Photographs & Measurements (003) - This section includes specific information on each modular coil including photographs and coil measurements.

  • Metrology Plans for Modular Coils (004) - This section includes information about the metrology plans for the modular coils.

  • Modular Coil Tooling (005) - his section includes the equipment, tools and facility for manufacturing the modular coil.

  • Specifications (006) -  The final approved specifications are located on the Engineering Web under the heading of "Specifications" :(  

  • Thermocouples & Strain Gauges (007) - This section provides information on the thermocouples and strain gauges that were for the modular coils.

  • Statements of Work (SOWs) (008) - The final approved SOWs are located on the Engineering Web under the heading of "SOWs":  (

  • VPI Actvities (009) - This section has the information for the VPI activities including pictures, equipment and plans.

  • MC & TRC Manufacturing Documents (010) - This section includes all of the manufacturing documents used to fabricate the modular coils including MIT, procedures and operations plan.

  • May FDR NCSX (011) - This section copies of the FDR presentations for the modular coils. This is posted on the NCSX Engineering Web under the heading of "Design Reviews".  This file contains pertinent backup information.

  • Hazard Analysis (012) - This is posted on the NCSX Engineering Web under the heading of "ES&H":  ( ).

  • Lead Braze (013) - This sections has photos and information for  the lead brazes – lug to copper cable.

  • Lacing (014) - This section contains information on the development of the lacing technique used to hold the turns in position.

  • Lead Block Jumpers (015) - This section contains information on the modular coil leads.

  • Cooling of Cladding & Chill Plates (016) - This section contains reference information on the cooling tubes for cooling the cladding/chill plates.

  • MC Joint Concerns (017) - This section contains information about the joint concerns and corrective actions taken to improve quality and reliability of joint.

  • Safety Items (018) - This section contains general safety notes, etc from the modular coil manufacturing program.

  • MC Coil Lead Short (019) - This section contains information on the lead short and steps that were taken to correct the problem.

  • Audit 0609 (020) -  This is posted on the NCSX Engineering Web under the heading of "Audits" ( 

  • MC  History (021) - This section contains general information of winding times, coil history and manufacturing tasks.

  • Posters (022) - This section has several posters that were generally depicting the modular coil R&D and manufacturing operations.

  • Groundwall & Floating Hardware (023) - This section contains two studies that discuss the floating hardware in the modular coils and the integrity of the groundwall insulation.

  • Cold Test Facility - photographs of cold testing of C1 coil and TRC

Toroidal Field Coil Fabrication - Photo Album

  • Insulation Systems - insulation details, material properties, and R&D tests for the prospective insulation systems considered for use in the TF coils.

  • Peer Reviews - TF Lead Are Revision and TF Wedge Preload Iteration.

  • Toroidal Field Coil Fabrication - pertinent information on the fabrication of the TF coils, including a presentation made to the Chinese

Vacuum Vessel Fabrication - Photo Album

  • PVVS and General Info The Prototype Vacuum Vessel Segment (PVVS) was a 20 degree segment of the actual vessel used to prequalify fabricators for the actual vessel. This file contains the information on the PVVS.

  • Qualifications and Certifications - There are no specialized qualifications. Standard rigging  qualifications and standard MIG/flux core welding qualifications were utilized. This file contains copies of the certifications received from Major Tool during the fabrication of the VVSA's.

  • Final Quality Documentation - All procedures and documentation for the VVSA (Station 1) and Modular  Coil assembly (Station 2) were delivered to the OPS center.  These files contain thermal data files, fabrication data, and process history provided by Major Tool during the fabrication of the VVSA's.

  • VVSA Scans - contains the scan reports provided by Major Tool for each of the VVSA's during fabrication. Upon receipt of each VVSA, PPPL provided confirmatory scans.  This confirmatory information can be found at:

  • Mail Communications - Mail and communications has been saved under a .pst file for the VVSA. 



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