Mike Please refer to the NCSX home page for details of coil voltages and currents. The web address is http://www.pppl.gov/me/NCSX_Engineering/Technical_Data/MOD003/Inputs_1.7T.htm., http://www.pppl.gov/me/NCSX_Engineering/Technical_Data/MOD003/Calculations_1.7T.htm Following are general comments for designing over all coil insulation: 1. Typical Field test voltages for maintenance purposes shall be 2*E + 1 where E is the supply voltage. 2. Typically the test voltage on manufacture, shall be a minimum of 1.5*(2*E+1) 3. I would recommend additional conservative approach of adopting 1.5 to 2 times the value per item (2) above - if this is achievable. 5. Note that the above is based on adopting a two wire feed to the coil. As per the latest directions from the Project we are not providing the three wire scheme. Three wire scheme will entail further increase in insulation capability. 6. Note that these are only the electrical criteria. The mechanical and thermal criteria also shall be applied to insure that the insulation is healthy after the repeated pulsing that a typical Fusion device is subjected to. Also proper cleaning of conductor, vacuum impregnation , appropriate curing etc. shall be done to insure a reasonable life for the insulation. Raki