From: Bradley E. Nelson Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 9:48 AM To: Geoffrey J. Gettelfinger Cc: Wayne T. Reiersen Attachments: 31.5 kA pulse.pdf; coil comparison.pdf; coil test parameters-9.xls; NCSX_TRC_Test plan_dC.doc; strain gage locations-r2.xls; temp_res v time.pdf; TRC res v temp.pdf; TRC temp res with ratcheting.pdf; TRC test plan.pdf; coil test sequence 2.pdf; coil test sequence 1.pdf Geoff Attached are some files illustrating a proposed test sequence. I am assuming a 5 day test, including 1 day at each end for cooldown/warmup. Day 1 - cooldown Day 2 - low current tests -calibrate resistance, inductance compared to calculations, re-do day 3, 4 plan Day 3 - run up the current in increments, no ratcheting in temperature Day 4 - run up the current and take extra shots at full current, allow ratcheting to 85K Day 5 - warmup I am resending the original test plan, some pdf files showing the proposed test sequences, and some plots illustrating the current/voltage/temp waveform at 31.5 kA, with and without the production coils for comparison. Kevin re-ran the TRC analysis with the strain gages in the new locations, so we should have charts of strain prediction to go with this soon. I will plan to show up at PPPL on Monday morning, Aug 15. Brad