Overview of MCWF Interfaces
The interface configuration is nearing finalization.
Alumina Coated SS Shim Friction Characteristics
Mu needed on inner legs to prevent inner leg slip is too high
With No Slip on inner legs, friction required on the outer legs to prevent them slipping  is well within the friction capabilities of the alumina coated shims with excellent factors of safety.
Friction = 0.04 on Inner-leg region,                   mu = 0.4 everywhere else
Definition of shim segments
Our plan:  weld the inner legs of all but  C-C
C-C Slide Concept
Slide plates located top & bottom and along mid-section.
Plate thicknesses determined by metrology measurements.
Slide plates will be restrained to react friction loads with adequate F.S.
3 additional bolts & friction shims will be added top and bottom to address bolt loading issue.

Bolts can be added on the C-C interface if necessary
Can  also access bolts from the side