From: Nelson, Brad E. []
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 12:13 PM
To: Bob Simmons
Cc: Ronald L. Strykowsky; Wayne T. Reiersen; George H. Neilson
Subject: RE: ECP-008 Draft C1



After re-counting the ports that actually appear on the drawings, I realize that we eliminated port 16 again, removing 6 of the 33 ports we have advertised.  This is based on input from Dave Johnson, who saw no reason for including the skinny little port 16.


Anyway, I have modified the ECP accordingly, by subtracting $60k from the $300k for new ports, and adding $60k to the -$160k for eliminating mockups.  I would argue we could leave $60k in the mockup category for the VV mockup, since we have no backup for eliminating the VV mockup.  The port extension estimate did not include port 16, so the $150k for this is still good.  With the above plan, there is no net change to the ECP.




-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Simmons []
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:43 PM
To: Neilson_Hutch; Wayne T. Reiersen; Steve Raftopoulos; Ronald L. Strykowsky;; Williamson, David E.; Nelson, Brad E.; James H. Chrzanowski; Cole, Michael J.; Phil Heitzenroeder
Subject: ECP-008 Draft C1




This Draft C1 reflects comments from Ron and Hutch.


The CCB is scheduled for Friday, June 18th at 2:00 pm.  We will call the ORNL folks.  Since Hutch will be on vacation, Wayne will chair the CCB.


Before we hold the CCB, Ron and I need the following items to be resolved:


(1)     Need cost estimate backup details for:

a.       Additional modular coil R&D efforts (Chrzanowski/Nelson) – backup for the ~$265K estimate

b.      Additional welding of new ports (Chrzanowski) – backup for the ~$75K estimate

(2)     Need schedule impact assessment for:

a.       Impact on overall schedule of eliminating the full-scale assembly mockups and how the delivery of the MCWF needs to be revised to permit timely arrival of each MCWF type to permit use vs. full-scale assembly mockup (Heitzenroeder/Chrzanowski)


Please provide your input and comments back to me as quickly as possible so that we can be ready for the CCB next week.




Bob S.

Bob Simmons

NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Tel #: (609) 243-2766

Fax #: (609) 243-3030