From: Ronald L. Strykowsky
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 11:48 AM
To: 'Hutch Neilson'; Phil Heitzenroeder; Larry L. Sutton; Michael E. Viola
Cc: Bob Simmons
Subject: RE: New Port Configuration
Hutch, I suggest we add the following to this ECP or a separate one to cover this near term work that will affect our CPI/SPI.
1) Vessel Weld Joint R&D increase$  ?    (Mike Viola)
2) VV prototype inspection plan & report $43k  (Mike Viola)
3) MCWF inspection plan and evaluation report $36k (Heitzenroeder)
4) MC test stand $84k (Gettelfinger)
5) forecast increases in the prototype contracts. Recommend no change at this time BUT redistribute $200k we included in ECP4 to cover JP Pattern potential increase. At this time JPP has not come forward with a revised forecast but Major Tool and EIO have .(see the attached analysis and current cost status of our vendors.
Phil,Mike,Larry, see the attached cost summary for all of these contracts. Larry, I got this data from budsys so let me know if your records don't match...Ron
-----Original Message-----
From: Hutch Neilson []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:14 PM
To: Bob Simmons
Cc: Wayne T. Reiersen; Ronald L. Strykowsky; Brad Nelson
Subject: New Port Configuration

We are adopting a new baseline machine configuration featuring a substantially modified arrangement of ports relative to the current baseline. I believe the plan is to move to this new configuration expeditiously. There is a substantial cost impact: the current SWAG is $400k but it will need to be analyzed more fully via the ECP process.  Wayne and others will need to weigh in when they get back, but I think they will probably agree we should go ahead now with an ECP to implement this change. A first draft is attached; please take it from there.

