From: Ronald L. Strykowsky Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:07 PM To: Bob Simmons; Wayne T. Reiersen Subject: FW: Tooling & Constructability Design Add to the ECP-9 hit parade...Ron -----Original Message----- From: Nelson, Brad E. [] Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:52 AM To: Ronald L. Strykowsky Subject: RE: Tooling & Constructability Design Ron Yes, Wayne mentioned this, and I think this makes sense as long as we can get started before the end of the FY without penalty. thanks Brad -----Original Message----- From: Ronald L. Strykowsky [] Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 10:04 AM To: Nelson, Brad E. Cc: Wayne T. Reiersen; Bob Simmons Subject: Tooling & Constructability Design Brad, In addition to rebaselining the winding design & fabrication tasks for ECP-9(per our meeting on Wednesday) I'd also like to revise the tooling and constructability design schedule that we had Mike Cole slated for this year (WBS 18 job 1803). Our current plan was to spend about 2400 hours of effort this year but to date other work has taken priority. I'm proposing we re-schedule this to start the first of the year with a tooling & constructability FDR scheduled for Jan 1, 05. Of course we could have Mike Cole do as much as possible for the balance of the year which would result in a positive schedule variance, but I'd like to get out from behind the PARS 8-ball here with ECP 9. If you agree I'll make the change. Ron