From: Thomas G. Brown Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 2:21 PM To: Cole, Michael; Sorin Homescu; Michael E. Viola; Bob Simmons Cc: Gary McGinnis; Paul Goranson; David E. Williamson Subject: RE: RFD-12-024 for Approval Attachments: VVSA1 VV end flange clearances.ppt I have looked at VVSA1 end flanges in a simulation of the MC rotated over the VV and the VV end flange appears to be okay as is (without the 1/4" cutback). The spacing between the MC and flange comes closest when using an envelope to simulate the clamp geometry. Additional space was found when I measured the distance to a discrete clamp (slides 8 and 14). This was not an exhaustive study but VVSA1 should be okay. I plan to also look at VVSA2 and 3 when I get the chance. I spoke with Mike Cole on the phone a few minutes ago and he agreed to go with my assessment. Sorin, you're off the hook. Tom -----Original Message----- From: Cole, Michael [] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 1:53 PM To: Sorin Homescu Cc: Gary McGinnis; Thomas G. Brown; Paul Goranson; David E. Williamson Subject: FW: RFD-12-024 for Approval Can you take a look at the assembly of two FPA assemblies and check the clearance between the vv seal flange and the distance to the coil? It is hard to imagine that we are close enough that 1/4 inch would make a difference but we should check. I don't think this would be very hard to check. If you think it will be very time consuming let me know. Tom, How hard would it be for you to check the half period assembly over the vessel? Do you think this would be a problem? mike Michael J. Cole Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg 5700, Rm. G306, MS 6169 Bethel Valley Road P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6169 Phone 865-574-2954 Fax 865-241-1038 E-mail: -----Original Message----- From: Goranson, Paul L. Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 1:28 PM To: Cole, Michael; Michael E. Viola; 'Thomas G. Brown' Cc: Nelson, Brad E.; 'Bob Simmons' Subject: RE: RFD-12-024 for Approval It's ok if it assembles this way. The clearance between MC coil and VV will be 1/4" less than anticipated, all the way around, if it is not trimmed. Paul -----Original Message----- From: Cole, Michael Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 12:23 PM To: Goranson, Paul L. Cc: Nelson, Brad E. Subject: FW: RFD-12-024 for Approval Importance: High Paul, Have you seen the attached? Do you agree with the request? mike Michael J. Cole Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg 5700, Rm. G306, MS 6169 Bethel Valley Road P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6169 Phone 865-574-2954 Fax 865-241-1038 E-mail: -----Original Message----- From: Bob Simmons [] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 2:14 PM To: Mike Cole; Thomas G. Brown Cc: Michael E. Viola; Nelson, Brad E.; Lawrence E. Dudek Subject: FW: RFD-12-024 for Approval Importance: High Mike and Tom, I had thought that Mike V. had talked to you about this. Please review and comment. Brad and Larry - please do NOT sign until we get MikeC & Tom on board on this. Bob Simmons NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Tel #: (609) 243-2766 Fax #: (609) 243-3030 -----Original Message----- From: Michael E. Viola Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 1:14 PM To: Bob Simmons; 'Nelson, Brad E.'; Lawrence E. Dudek Subject: RE: RFD-12-024 for Approval Signed but I would think that Cole and Brown need to review this for interferences. Thanks, Mike Viola, PPPL, (609) 243 3655 ________________________________ From: Bob Simmons Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 12:57 PM To: Michael E. Viola; 'Nelson, Brad E.'; Lawrence E. Dudek Subject: RFD-12-024 for Approval Folks, RFD-12-024 for approval. Please sign and pass on: Mike => Brad => Larry & then back to me. I will then prepare stamp. BobS Bob Simmons NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Tel #: (609) 243-2766 Fax #: (609) 243-3030