From: Ronald L. Strykowsky Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 8:24 AM To: Bob Simmons Cc: 'John Schmidt' Subject: RE: Car problems See attached... I also have a more detailed critical path plot which Pam has put on the web. Call me if you have any questions. 856-778-0674 (h) 856-296-2139(cell). I'm working on an update to the omb-300 which Gene and I talked about yesterday. I'll send you a copy when I'm done. Ron -----Original Message----- From: Bob Simmons Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 8:13 AM To: Ronald L. Strykowsky Subject: RE: Car problems Ron, Good excuse for a long vacation weekend! You deserve it. Can you please send me your final presentation and a copy of the critical path schedule you included? I am preparing my TOFE talk and want to include it. Thanks, Bob S. Bob Simmons NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Tel #: (609) 243-2766 Fax #: (609) 243-3030 -----Original Message----- From: Ronald L. Strykowsky Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 7:05 AM To: Wayne T. Reiersen; Edward H. Winkler; Erik D. Perry; ''; Bob Simmons; Pamela Hampton; Richard J. Hawryluk; '' Subject: Car problems After a long ride and a successful meeting in Germantown yesterday, I get in my car this morning and it won't even turn over (life's little challenges continue). I'll be working at home most of today and ,a reminder, I'll be out tomorrow and the Tuesday after labor day. Ron