NCSX Web Pages  

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NCSX FTP Sites  

Project FTP Server | Supplier FTP Server

Navigation Trail  

Engineering > Training
  • NCSX Training Plan- Rev 1

  • Approved NCSX Task-Specific Training Matrices

  • NCSX Training Modules

    • Module 1 (dB) - The NCSX Web Page (probably can complete in one 45 minutes session)

    • Module 2 (dB) - The NCSX Engineering Web Page (probably will take 3 or 4  45 minutes sessions to complete)

    • Module 3 (dB) - Specifications and Statements of Work (SOW) (probably can complete in one 45 minutes session)

    • Module 4  (dB) - Work Authorization Process (probably can complete in one 45 minutes session)

    • Module 5 (dA)- Design Review Process (probably can complete in one 45 minutes session)

    • Module 6 -Electronic Models and Drawings

    • Module 7 (dA)- Configuration Control Processes (probably can complete in one or two 45 minutes sessions)

    • Module 8 (dA)- Interface Control Processes (probably can complete in one 45 minutes session)

    • Module 9 - WBS Dictionary And Management Plans

    • Module 10 - Electronic Signatures

    • Module 11 - The Manufacturing Web and the Supplier FTP Site

  • Human Resources Training Web Page


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