Documentation Standard
- Model Text

The documentation standard shall be prepared to establish the documentation requirements for a specific project.
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See Technical Managment - documentation standard for more up-to-date information.

Copyright © by Ken Rigby 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

Ken Rigby

Title page

Title page

Title pages shall contain a front cover, authorization page, review and history, foreword, and a table of contents, figures, tables, appendixes in that order. For a model text see  Documentation Title page


  1. This standard is to be used primarily for the name of project.
  2. Any beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: name of organization.
  3. This standard consists of general and detailed requirements (codes of practice, work instructions, etc.,) for the preparation, assessment, change, revision, to ensure the inclusion if essential requirements, and to aid in the analysis of systems, hardware and software documentation. Detailed work instructions and codes of practice will be included in the model texts to provide an effective integrated approach to the design, development and maintenance of the systems and comprising HWCIs and CSCIs.
  4. Appendixes will provide an example of the format and content of the specific document required for the preparation during the definition of the system, and the hardware and software development phases.
  5. The intention of this document is to provide users, managers, systems/software engineers, programmers, scientists, etc., with technical/work instructions, codes of practice, information and regulations as required by the recognized national and international standards.
  6. ISO 9000, AQAP quality systems requirements for the documentation of systems and software have been taken into account and should be compatible.
  7. If documents are required to be marked-up (tagged) it shall be in accordance with ISO 8879 (SGML).
    SGML shall be used:


List by table the contents of the document. 


The 'Scope' section is primarily intended to identify for its users or potential users, the extent and limitations of the subject matter covered by the document. It shall consist of a clear concise description of the subject covered and, if applicable any restrictions or exclusions. It may contain whenever necessary, information as to the use of items.
In the case of items having a range of possible uses or applications, the particular uses intended shall be specified. If appropriate, data on the main units and sub-units forming part of the item and/or the system in which the item itself is used shall be provided. The content shall be sufficiently complete and comprehensive to describe in a broad way the item covered in terms that may be interpreted by suppliers familiar with applicable terminology and trade practices.
For a model text see  Section 1


Referenced documentation shall be listed by document number (identifier) and titles in section 2, and shall include specific issue or revision where necessary to rigidly control the configuration or implementation of the configuration item, material or process. The title of each document shall be that appearing on the document itself rather than that shown in an index.
For a model text for Section 2


General requirements for types, forms, and language style for the specifications and associated documentation shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-970/490, DEF STAN 05-28, and JSP 188. When no specific layout format has been identified a logical structure will be adopted.
All documentation prepared in accordance with the 'Documentation Standard' shall be reviewed during and on completion of a phase or stage of development.
The concept of minimum documentation shall be evident. All stipulated plans, reports, and other data items shall be used to record engineering outputs. The use of commercial or other existing documentation, may be substituted for all or part of a document if they contain the required data. However, written approval must be gained from the relevant SEMG and QA authorities and documented in the relevant plan. For a model text for Section 3


As defined in the Systems Engineering Management Plan the system life cycle consists of four phases:

In each phase a set of documentation shall be prepared.

For a model text for Section 4


This section identifies and describes briefly the purpose and content of the individual documentation to be prepared during the total system life cycle.
The documentation set shall fulfil the requirements required by MIL-STD-961/970/490, JSP 188, ISO 9000, etc. This section can be divided into the following categories:

  1. System/subsystem specification;
  2. System/subsystem design documentation;
  3. CI/PI Development specification;
  4. Software Requirements Specification;
  5. Interface Requirements Specification;
  6. Operational concept document;
  7. Engineering Drawings;
  8. Software Design Description;
  9. Interface Design Description;
  10. Database Design Description;
  11. Source code listings;
  12. Software Product Specification;
  13. HWCI Product Specification

See DID list for instructions of preparation.

For a model text for Section 5


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is non-mandatory.)

For a model text for Section 6


For a model text for Appendixes

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Copyright © by Ken Rigby 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

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