MANAGING STANDARDS - Proposed "Program/Project Standards"

- a standardized framework for developing complex systems using a sysem/software intensive component.

Objective - prepare a suite of "Program/project Standards" that can be used as a common framework for the development of complex systems containing system and software intensive components in line with ISO/IEC 12207/15288, MIL-STD-498/499B, and the SEI CMM (to level 3) requirements.

Applicability - This framework can be used as a universal implemewntation standard so that individual programs or projects can be contracted to, but will "instantiate" their specific life-cycle and documents within the standard framework.

This "Program Standard" will use ISO/IEC 12207/15288 as the primary management requirement and use MIL-STD-498/499B as the system software development implementation and SEI CMM to level 3 to determine key process requirements.

The "Program Standards" shall use the MANAGING STANDARDS - Technical Management as the basis and then determine the step by step sequence by which a program or project may be developed.

These Generic "Program/Project Standards" will consist of the following documents:

Technical Management Plan - same as the Systems Engineering Management Plan defintion;

Documentation Standard - defines the documentation style, format, etc.  to be prepared;

Organizational Program/Project Management Plan - defines the management organization, polices, and overall tasks

Requirements Management Handbook - defines the process to be followed to determine system/software requirements

SOW/CDRL Preparation Procedure - provides a procedure for creating a typical SOW and CDRL

Estimation Manual - defines a standard process to estimate size, cost, and schedule for large projects;

Systems Engineering Management Program Planning - defines a sequential procedure of planning a technical program(me);

Software Management Project Planning - defines a sequential procedure of planning a sw project;

Software Configuration Management Plan - defines activities, organization, for SW Configuration

Software Quality Assurance Plan - defines the activities for SQA to perform;

Software Project Tracking and Oversight Plan - defines the tracking and monitoring of a project with metrics;

Software Product Evaluation Plan - provides a standard product review procedure;

Joint Technical and Management Reviews - defines joint technical and management review activities and procedure;

Software Development Environment - defies the possible design and test engineering (OPEN, or other de-facto methodology);

Software Coding Standards - provides a common style for writing code.

Object-Oriented Software Engineering Process - provides a common framwork for OO.

System/Software Safety Process - defines a process following MIL-STD-882C guidelines;

System/Software Security Management Process - defines a process following MIL-STD-1785/Common Criteria guidelines;

Software Management/Engineering Training Plan - provides various training schemes and application;

Software Subcontractor Management Plan - defines guidelines for subcontacting work;

Software Test Environment - defines a typical test management and environment.

Others are in work and produced as necessary.

These documents are available at prices around 80 to 120 Euros each. P&P extra.

E-mail for list and availability.

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international 00441772 78 0960or National01772 78 0960


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