Configuration Management Plan
- Model Text

This example model text provides a framework which can be adapted to specific projects, however, no guarantee is given that it is correct or complete; effort to comply with stated sources is being pursued. Section details are provided in separate pages and accessed from the body page by mouse selection. 

  • Body - Contents

  • Title pages

    The title page shall be laid out in accordance with the requirement in the documentation standard and contain the following information:


    1. This plan is applicable to the name of the project (program) to identify and define the organization(s), activities, overall tasks, principles, and objectives of Configuration Management.
    2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be sent to; name of organization controlling this document by any approved communication method (letter, fax, etc.,).
    3. This document is intended to be tailored to fit the specific project and used by both the acquirer and design authority for the identified project.
    4. The primary objectives of this document are:

    For a discussion about the principles of Change Management click here.

    For a discussion about Configuration Management recent developments

    NOTE: It must be noted that Configuration Management is only for 'End-items' i.e., Systems, Equipment's, CSCIs, and HWCIs it does not apply to documents or software units these are controlled using document control and Version control methods defined in the SEMP or speciality plan. This document is applicable only for baselined specifications, and Engineering drawings identified by the acquirer for configuration control. Developmental design data will be controlled by the relevant development plan up to its Product baseline (for example, SDP for a CSCI).
    See above for a discussion. 

    1. SCOPE

    The scope shall identify the specific program or project, state the purpose and provide an introduction to the document. The CMP shall provide its relationship to other project plans.

    For example Section 1 see CMP section 1


    This section shall identify all the applicable and referenced documents which are required for the specific program or project, for example; DOD, MIL, DEF STAN, STANAG, etc., Standards.
    Also, the order of precedence and availability of the documents shall be stated.
    Identify any contractual and non-contractual provisions.

    For example Section 2 see  CMP section 2 


    Organizational responsibilities and authority for Configuration Management:
    Configuration management is required by the project management system to provide technical and administrative direction and surveillance of the project at different conceptual levels.

    For an example Section 3 see  CMP section 3 


    Configuration identification consists of setting and maintaining baselines which define the system or subsystem and their developing HWCIs and CSCIs at any point in time.

    For an example Section 4 see  CMP section 4 


    Configuration control includes the evaluation of all Change Requests, and Change Proposals and their subsequent approval and disapproval.

    For an example Section 5 see  CMP section 5 


    Configuration management status accounting and the configuration index/matrix is the recording activity of configuration management. Version compatibility Matrix and the Master Record Index established and defined.

    For an example Section 6 see  CMP section 6 


    Procedures for the control and monitoring of suppliers shall be defined.

    For an example Section 7 see  CMP section 7 


    Configuration milestones and major events will be identified and defined. These shall be in line with the SOW, SEMP, and RFP, if applicable.

    For an example Section 8 see  CMP section 8 


    Project control and the relationship to configuration management will be identified and discussed.

    For an example Section 9 see  CMP section 9 


    Configuration audits in accordance with MIL-STD-1521B and/or MIL-STD-973 shall be planned. Configuration audits shall check that System, subsystems, CSCIs, and HWCIs configuration documentation complies with their physical and functional characteristics prior to being accepted into a product or production baseline.

    For an example Section 10 see  CMP section 10 


    Software configuration management for large and complex CSCI will be controlled by the SCMP during the 'Developmental Configuration' stage; see "System Life Cycle". For minor software developments however the control of the software may be discussed in this section.

    For an example Section 11 see  CMP section 11 

    12. NOTES

    The section 'NOTES' shall contain information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.

    For an example Section 12 see CMP section 12

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