From: Judith Malsbury []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 8:45 AM
Subject: Comments on Documents and Records Plan, Draft A2
Wayne – I sent these comments to Bob yesterday. Judy


Bob – The attached file contains comments using the Word Track Changes and Comments features. My suggested additions should be in red font, deletions in red cross thrus, and comments indicated by a yellow background.  My general comments are:

  1. The current format contains many parenthood statements that I don’t think are necessary. It also has some of the information appearing more than once in the Plan, increasing the risk that there will be inconsistencies.  I think the goal of the Plan is to provide clear and simple guidance of what is considered to be formal records and then define the parameters associated with each type of record. In addition to GEN-023, there is a Labwide policy that we must follow on quality documents and records. I’ve attached a copy for your information. This policy goes beyond the records features of GEN-023, which is almost exclusively focused on retention issues. If you want, we can talk about this since my recommended approach is quite different than yours.
  2. The title page should indicate who reviews and approves this plan.
  3. I put procurement related documents in the Quality Table but need to think about this more carefully. Suggest you read QA-003, section C.
