From: Thomas G. Brown
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 3:32 PM
To: Bob Simmons
Subject: RE: Suggested Changes to Pro/INTRALINK Guide and PROC-007

Bob, here is my original file set with a cover-up of the unwanted text…………Tom




-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Simmons
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 1:07 PM
To: Thomas G. Brown
Subject: Suggested Changes to Pro/INTRALINK Guide and PROC-007


Hi Tom,


Before we go prime time to get this signed, I request that you do one more read thru to ensure that I have everything correct.  Also please replace the figures in Attachment 1 to the Guide with SAMPLE vs. “Not a Real Drawing” or “Is Not”.


Please provide comments back to me at your convenience.




Bob S.


Bob Simmons

NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Tel #: (609) 243-2766

Fax #: (609) 243-3030