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Engineering > Subsystem Specs > WBS 12 VV Systems Specifications
Review Title VV SRD Spec Review
Date 01 April 2004
Cognizant Engineer Paul Goranson
Responsible Line Manager Mike Cole (for Brad Nelson)
Review Board Chairperson (Members) Wayne Reiersen (Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Viola, Hutch Neilson, Mike Zarnstorff)


PPPL: Reiersen, Simmons, Neilson, Malsbury, Brown, Heitzenroeder, Dudek, Zarnstorff, Viola


ORNL: Goranson, Cole

Charge 1. Are the requirements consistent with the GRD?

2. Have all relevant requirements been captured?

3. Have evaluation criteria for verification of the requirements been established?




Other Design Review Material



Goranson walked through the SRD and made modifications on-the-fly.  The marked up version can be access here.

Review Committee Report


Project Disposition Plan (Chits)

Project Disposition Plan

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