From: Bob Simmons [] Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 4:16 PM To: Reiersen_Wayne Subject: Comments on Draft F of GRD Hi Wayne, Hope you got your daughter settled in Michigan. Here are some more generic comments on the GRD: (1) Cover page - I would recommend that there is only one preparer (in this case you for GRD), Mike (and others as appropriate) will be a concurrence signature (a review signature doesn't tell me anything), and only one approver (in this case Hutch). We should follow this scheme for all of our plans and documents. (2) Does the GRD address any requirements during the fabrication project or just the finished product? I think it is the latter, but perhaps I am missing something here. (3) Record of Revisions - might be nice to show what the major changes is Rev E and F were. (4) Section 2.3 - minor grammatical correction => put comma before "where wbs #..." (5) Section 2.3 - do we want to add CMP or address how these changes to these requirements will be handled? No need to go into much detail, but merely mention that changes handled via CMP. (6) Section 3.1.1 - is this mission consistent to what we said in the PEP? (7) Sectiojn 3.1.2 - PEP Annex I specifies specific definition of the Fabrication Project -- perhaps you may want to reference that. YOu really don't specify the fab project scope here. Bob S. Bob Simmons NCSX Systems Engineering Support Manager Engineering Wing Room 120 (MS-08) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory U.S. Route 1 North, Receiving 3 Princeton, New Jersey 08543 Telephone: (609) 243-2766 Fax: (609) 243-3030