From: Jerry D. Levine
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 3:02 PM
To: Wayne T. Reiersen
Subject: RE: VV SRD attached
One comment: this document should also specify the radiation resistance requirements of the vacuum vessel assemblies (actually, this also applies to the modular coils SRD; information should be available in the GRD-should convert to dose in Rad).

From: Wayne T. Reiersen
Sent: Mon 5/3/2004 10:55 AM
To: 'Paul Goranson ('; Michael E. Viola; 'Brad Nelson (Brad Nelson)'; 'Mike Zarnstorff ('; Bob Simmons; Jerry D. Levine; Judith A. Malsbury; 'Hutch Neilson ('; Phil Heitzenroeder; 'Mike Cole ('
Subject: VV SRD attached

For review and comment