Definition of words used to detail or describe the degree of developer/supplier involvement.
This list is not complete, however, it should provide the critical differences between the meaning of work words (words used to describe involvement).
Work words shall be used in work statements to explicitly define the total nature of the work requirement in terms of what is to be done.
The following lists words which have an inherent value of work.


  1. analyze (solve by analysis)
  2. annotate (provide with comments)
  3. ascertain (find out with certainty)
  4. attend (be present at)
  5. audit (officially examine)
  6. build (make by putting together)
  7. calculate (find out by calculation)
  8. clarify (explain more clearly)
  9. configuration (a list of the arrangement of end-items)
  10. consider (think about, to decide)
  11. construct (put together; build)
  12. control (direct; regulate)
  13. contribute (give along with others)
  14. compare (find out likeness or difference)
  15. create (cause to be; make)
  16. determine (resolve; settle; decide)
  17. differentiate (make distinction between)
  18. develop (bring into being or activity)
  19. define (make clear; settle the limits)
  20. design (perform an original act)
  21. embodiment (include, combine into an accepted end-item)
  22. evolve (develop gradually, work out)
  23. examine (look at closely; test quality of)
  24. explore (examine for discovery)
  25. extract (take out; deduce, select)
  26. erect (put together; set upright)
  27. establish (set up; settle; prove beyond dispute)
  28. estimate (approximate an opinion of)
  29. evaluate (find or fix the value of)
  30. fabricate (build; manufacture, invent)
  31. form (give shape to; establish)
  32. formulate (to put together add express)
  33. generate (produce, cause to be)
  34. identify (to show or find)
  35. implement (to carry out, put into position)
  36. incorporate (include, combine to make one)
  37. install (place; put into position)
  38. inspect (examine carefully or officially)
  39. institute (set up; establish, begin)
  40. interpret (explain the meaning of)
  41. inquire (ask, make search of)
  42. integrate (to add parts to make a whole)
  43. judge (decide; form an estimate of)
  44. make (cause to come into being)
  45. maintain (to keep in an existing state, to continue in, carry on)
  46. manage (organize and control)
  47. manufacture (fabricate from raw materials)
  48. modify (to change, alter)
  49. monitor (to watch or observe)
  50. notice (comment upon, review)
  51. observe (inspect, watch)
  52. originate (initiate, to give rise to)
  53. organize (integrate, arrange in a coherent unit)
  54. participate (be involved with)
  55. perform (do, carry out, accomplish)
  56. plan (devise a scheme for doing, making, arranging activities to achieve objectives)
  57. prepare (create usually limited to documentation)
  58. present (show, demonstrate)
  59. probe (investigate thoroughly)
  60. produce (give birth or rise to)
  61. pursue (seek, obtain or accomplish)
  62. reason (think, influence another's actions)
  63. resolve (reduce by analysis, clear up)
  64. record (set down in writing or act of electronic reproduction of communications)
  65. recommend (advise, attract favour of)
  66. restrict (limit access to)
  67. review (inspection, examination or evaluation)
  68. revise (to correct, improve)
  69. study (careful examination or analysis)
  70. seek (try to discover; make an attempt)
  71. search (examine to find something)
  72. scan (look through hastily, examine intently)
  73. screen (to separate, present, or shield)
  74. solve (find an answer)
  75. test (evaluate, examine)
  76. trace (to copy or find by searching)
  77. track (observe or plot the path of)
  78. update (modernize, make current)

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