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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 13
Review Title TF Coil System PDR
Date 07 February 2005
Cognizant Engineer Mike Kalish
Responsible Line Manager Brad Nelson
Review Board Chairperson Wayne Reiersen
Review Board Members Art Brooks, Dave Williamson, Mike Cole, Jim Chrzanowski, Tom Brown, Fred Dahlgren,  Charlie Neumeyer, Larry Dudek, Phil Heitzenroeder
Invitees H. M. Fan, Hutch Neilson, Mike Zarnstorff, Judy Malsbury, Jerry Levine, Brent Stratton, Geoff Gettelfinger, Raki Ramakrishnan, Mike Williams, Mike Viola, Steve Raftopoulos, Len Myatt
Attendees Charlie Neumeyer, Hutch Neilson, Wayne Reiersen, Jim Chrzanowski, Raki Ramakrishnan, Art Brooks, Phil Heitzenroeder, Geoff Gettelfinger, Mike Zarnstorff, Brent Stratton, H.M. Fan, Larry Dudek, Judy Malsbury, Jerry Levine, Jeff Makiel, Joe Rushinski, Mike Viola, Mike Williams, Frank Malinowski
  1. Requirements. Do the requirements provide an adequate basis for proceeding with final design?
  2. Design. Does the design address and meet the requirements?
  3. Analysis. Does the analysis indicate the design satisfies the design criteria and is robust in regard to engineering uncertainties?
  4. R&D. Is additional R&D warranted to reduce engineering uncertainties?
  5. Manufacturability.  Can the design be readily manufactured?
  6. Design Integration
    1. Is the design compatible with the integrated model of the stellarator core?
    2. Is the design consistent with project plans and requirements for field period and machine assembly?
    3. Do adequate clearances exist for field period assembly, final assembly, and operation?
  7. Interfaces. Have the physical and functional interfaces been adequately established to proceed with final design?
  8. Procurement.  Is the procurement plan (e.g., make versus buy, bundling of procurements) appropriate?  
  9. Cost and Schedule. Are the cost and schedule baselines (and cost basis documentation) consistent with the technical baseline and procurement plan? Do the cost and schedule baselines appear reasonable?
  10. ES&H.  Have potential environmental, health, and safety issues been identified and addressed?
  11. Risk management.  Have technical, cost, and schedule risks been identified and appropriately mitigated?
  12. Chits. Have all chits from previous design reviews been adequately addressed?
Design Review Material


TF (SRD) System Required Document

TF Design Description

Analysis Reports


TF Coil Rotation Animation

TF PDR Review Board Report

Chits and Disposition Plan

Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified    
Development plans and schedules    
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA    
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews  
Cost objectives  

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results


(check  one)

1 Acceptable
Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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