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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 17
Review Title NCSX Base Support Structure FDR
Date 27 May 2008
Cognizant Engineer Fred Dahlgren
Responsible Line Manager Phil Heitzenroeder
Review Board Chairperson Jim Chrzanowski
Review Board Members Mike Viola, H.M. Fan, Tom McManamy, Bill England
Invitees Mike Kalish, Don Rej, Hutch Neilson, Steve Raftopoulos, Art Brooks, Jeff Makiel, Vic Garzotto, Mike Cole, Phil Heitzenroeder
Attendees Mike Kalish, Don Rej, Hutch Neilson, Steve Raftopoulos, Art Brooks, Jeff Makiel, Vic Garzotto, Mike Cole, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Viola, H.M. Fan, Tom McManamy, Bill England
Charge 1. Are all required analyses complete and formally checked and adequate to establish that the proposed design are feasible and meets established design criteria?

2. Are the drawings and documentation adequate to support the procurement and/ or manufacturing process, installation, and ready for sign-off?

3. Is the design of the base structure compatible with the machine assembly fixtures and plans?

4. Is the Product Specification (CSPEC) complete and satisfactory? Are the interfaces adequately defined?

5. Is the Work Planning form current, and have the applicable requirements been satisfied?

6. Have the chits from the PDR been resolved?

7. Are updated cost and schedule estimates available?

Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition



Review Board Report  
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified X  
Development plans and schedules X
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA X  
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews X  
Cost objectives X  

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

Fred Dahlgren successfully presented the final design for the NCSX Base Support Structure. A total of 4 Chits were generated including a review of anchor sizes and hardware; review of loads during fault conditions; and a review of interferences with diagnostics. The SRD for this package has been approved and a review package for the Design Base Analysis has been generated and checking has been initiated. Several issues that need to be completed are: 1) the project must decide whether additional fault mode conditions need to be considered for this review. 2) A review of all possible interface/interference with diagnostics need to be performed, and 3) the final check of analysis/calculations must be completed prior to this review being deemed acceptable.


(check  one)

 1  Acceptable
    Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
  1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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